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RuneScape Wiki

Iron nails detail

Iron nails are a type of nail in RuneScape. They are made with the Smithing skill and are mostly used in the Construction skill to make furniture. As with other nails they can also be used in the Fletching skill to make brutal arrows. They can also be obtained during the quest In Aid of the Myreque. Iron nails may be bought for 33 coins from the sawmill operator in either Prifddinas or the Lumber Yard.

To make iron nails the player must have at least level 19 Smithing, an iron bar and a hammer in their inventory. They will receive 15 iron nails and 25 Smithing experience.They can also also be hammered onto flighted ogre arrows to create iron brutal arrows, requiring 18 Fletching and granting 2.6 experience.


Iron nails Iron nails ×15
Smithing-Make-X GE icon
25 XP-300
Smithing Smithing level19
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Iron barIron bar11,0531,053

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Ogre coffinN/A1Common

Store locations[]

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