Iron ore is unrefined iron. A player with a Mining level of at least 15 can mine iron ore from iron ore rocks, granting 35 Mining experience each. Iron ore's respawn times fluctuate, decreasing as the number of players increase on each server; on average, each iron rock takes ten seconds to replenish.
Players with 15 Smithing can smelt iron ore into an iron bar by using it on a furnace, granting 12.5 Smithing experience. At level 15, there is a 50% chance of successfully smelting a bar from a piece of iron, increased by 1% each additional Smithing level, maxing out at 80% with level 45 Smithing. At level 15 Smithing, smelting iron ores into bars provides an average profit of 155 coins each ore smelted; this increases to an average profit of 491.75 coins by level 45.
Casting the Superheat Item spell to smelt iron guarantees a 100% success for producing a bar, regardless of the players smithing level; this produces an average profit of −437 coins.
Wearing a ring of forging will also allow the player to never fail smelting an iron bar from ores as well, but only lasts for 140 smelts before being destroyed; this produces an average profit of 584.09 coins.
At level 30 Smithing, players can smelt 1 iron ore and 2 coal into a Steel bar; this produces a profit of 286 coins, and granting 17.5 Smithing experience. Smelting steel at the Blast Furnace in Keldagrim only requires 1 iron ore and 1 coal; producing a profit of 398 coins.