RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the non-combat skilling pets title. For combat skilling pets title, see Jack of All Blades.
For the achievement, see Jack of All Trades (achievement).
[Name], Jack of All Trades
Release date 22 August 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Position Suffix
Source Gameplay
(Skilling pets)
Category Descriptions

Jack of All Trades is a title unlocked by receiving and inspecting all eighteen non-combat skilling pets. A global broadcast is made when the title is unlocked:

Achievement iconNews: [Player] has unlocked the 'Jack of all Trades' title!


This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:

Language Title
German [Name], Tausendsassa
French [Name], le touche-à-tout ultime / la touche-à-tout ultime
Portuguese [Name], o Super-Habilidoso / a Super Habilidosa


  • The first player to unlock all 19 pets and receive the Jack of All Trades title was Mr Blob on 15 October 2016.
  • The first Ironman player to unlock all 19 pets and receive the Jack of All Trades title was B08 on 20 February 2017.
  • The first Hardcore Ironman player to unlock all 19 pets and receive the Jack of All Trades title was Fabbles on 29 July 2017.
  • With the release of the combat pets, the requirement for the title was lowered to 18 pets, because Crabbe was reclassified as a combat pet and thus became required for Jack of Blades and Jack of All Blades instead.