RuneScape Wiki
For the title received from unlocking all skilling pets, see Jack of all Trades.
For the achievement, see Jack of Trades (achievement).
Not to be confused with Jack of trades aura.
[Name], Jack of Trades
Release date 22 August 2016 (Update)
Members No
Position Suffix
Source Gameplay
(Skilling pets)
Category Descriptions

Jack of Trades is a title unlocked by receiving and inspecting five non-combat skilling pets. A world announcement is made when the title is unlocked:

World announcementNews: [Player] has unlocked the Jack of Trades title!


This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:

Language Title
German [Name], Hundertsassa
French [Name], le touche-à-tout / la touche-à-tout
Portuguese [Name], o Habilidoso / a Habilidosa


  • With the release of the combat pets, Crabbe was reclassified as a combat pet and thus became required for Jack of Blades and Jack of All Blades instead. Receiving Crabbe does not count for this title anymore.