Jelly Treats are available from Solomon's General Store. To feed a pet a treat, open your Customisation interface, select the pet tab, select the pet you wish to use the treat on, click the tab titled "treats" above your pet's portrait, then click the treat you wish to feed to it.
When fed to a Legendary pet, the pet's passive and interactive advancement increase by 100% for one hour. This effect does not stack with other treats and only one treat may be used at a time. The timer will not run out if the player who used it is offline and if pets are switched, the effect will carry over to the new pet.
Members: 62 RuneCoins Free-to-play: 68 RuneCoins
A juicy treat that keeps your special pet happy, increasing their mental alertness and making them learn tricks quicker.
This pack contains three (3) Jelly Treats. A juicy treat that keeps your special pet happy, increasing their mental alertness and making them learn tricks quicker.
This pack contains six (6) Jelly Treats. A juicy treat that keeps your special pet happy, increasing their mental alertness and making them learn tricks quicker.