All Life points: 1,000
Life points: 1,000
All Combat experience: 44.4
Combat experience: 44.4
All Release date: 8 June 2015
Release date: 8 June 2015
All Combat level: 28
Combat level: 28
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 21130
NPC ID: 21130
Jeroen is a werewolf inhabitant of Canifis. He is generally unfriendly, unless one is wearing the ring of Charos. He will transform into a level 88 werewolf when attacked unless if the player wields a wolfbane dagger. He cannot be killed as part of a werewolf slayer assignment. He can be found near Mazchna.
His examine is a reference to the slayer belt, and his name "Jeroen" is the name of the person who suggested the addition of slayer related items to the tool belt via RuneLabs.