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For other uses, see Jogre bones (disambiguation).

Jogre bones detail

Jogre bones are associated with the Prayer skill. They are dropped by Jogres. Jogre bones give 15 Prayer experience when buried (the same as big bones).

Jogre bones can be lit with a tinderbox and 30 Firemaking to make burnt jogre bones, gaining 90 Firemaking experience. Burnt bones are used with Karambwanji paste during the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest to make Marinated j' bones. You can still bury the burnt jogre bones for 16 Prayer experience, so it is recommended to burn, then bury.

If a player selects "light" without level 30 firemaking the player will receive the message "You need a firemaking level of 30 to burn Jogre bones. You could find some other way of burning them.", hinting that you need to use a furnace to make burnt jogre bones. 

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Jogre57; 861Always

Cost and XP analysis[]

Bury Gilded altar or
Chaos Temple
Ectofuntus Cremation
Experience 15 52.5 60 67.5 (Total) 37.5 (Prayer) + 30 (FM)
Cost per XP −141 −40.3 −35.3 −31.3 (Total) −56.4 (Prayer) or −70.5 (FM)
  • It is assumed that two burners are lit while using the gilded altar and does not include the cost of clean marrentill.


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • A firemaking ring does not give bonus experience when burning Jogre bones.
  • You can light Jogre bones underwater.