Jukat is a fairy found in the market area of Zanaris who runs Jukat's Dragon Sword Shop.
For those who have not completed Fairy Tale III - Orks Rift, there is a fee of one cut diamond to get through the door that leads to the Market Place. She sells dragon longswords for 100k and dragon daggers for 30k. She sells the off-hand versions of these weapons as well. Players must have completed the Lost City quest to access Zanaris.
- In RuneScape Classic, she was originally a tall male humanoid called Jakut. Her name, gender, and race were changed at some time prior to the release of Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains.
- Jukat, along with Lunderwin, the Fairy shopkeeper, the fairy guarding the ring to Al Kharid, and Irksol did not receive the graphical update given to the rest of Zanaris and its citizens on 13 May 2010. These five were graphically updated on 27 May 2010.
- On a tree stump nearby, a dragon longsword and a dragon dagger are displayed. However, the sword and dagger look like they did before the Evolution of Combat and its associated change to the looks of dragon items.
- Jukat claims her swords come straight from the realm of Freneskae.