All Life points: 250
Life points1: 250
All Life points: 500
Life points2: 500
All Life points: 600
Life points3: 600
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 22.2
Combat experience1: 22.2
All Combat experience: 83.4
Combat experience2: 83.4
All Combat experience: 282.1
Combat experience3: 282.1
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date: 28 March 2006
All Combat level: 28
Combat level1: 28
All Combat level: 70
Combat level2: 70
All Combat level: 104
Combat level3: 104
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 14041
NPC ID1: 14041
All NPC ID: 14042
NPC ID2: 14042
All NPC ID: 14043
NPC ID3: 14043
Juvinates are Vampyre Juvinates that patrol the Temple Trekking routes. Like regular Vampyre Juvinates, they can only be damaged with Silver weapons or Blisterwood weapons. They look identical to Vampyre Juvinates. When they turn into mist they say "Ha ha ha, time to disappear and re-juvinate". Strangely, their name then changes to Vampyre Juvinate. It is worth noting that for some silver weapons, the damage is capped to 100. This does not apply for the Ivandis flail or blisterwood weapons, but does for others, such as Darklight and silver bolts.
Ranged and Magic Dreadnips damages Juvinates normally, but Melee Dreadnips' basic attacks have no effect on them (although all three could stun or poison them). While they could often kill Juvinates in one or two hits, they will remain and not attack anything else for the rest of its lifespan, preventing players from deploying another dreadnip.
Unlike other vampyres, they are immune to the effects of Guthix balance potions.
They used to have significantly more life points, as many as 7,000 at their highest level, but after a hidden update their life points were dramatically reduced. This change was likely made due to the low damage that most silver weapons inflict on them.
There is a bug that makes the player unable to do damage to them even with the right weapons. A solution is to take out one's armour; enabling one to hit them again.
While the Juvinates are male, their chatheads are female. This has not been addressed yet.
If Sacrifice causes them to turn to mist, it would count as a killing blow.
The damage cap will also affect healing from Soul Split, despite its ability to heal according to what the player would have hit otherwise on a killing blow.