All Life points: 4,700
Life points: 4,700
All Slayer experience: 78.8
Slayer experience: 78.8
All Combat experience: 217.8
Combat experience: 217.8
All Release date: 7 September 2004
Release date: 7 September 2004
All Combat level: 65
Combat level: 65
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1154
NPC ID: 1154
Kalphites are easily safespotted due to their large size.
Kalphite soldiers attack only with melee, which has a slightly uncommon chance to cause poison on a successful hit. The poison is fairly weak, however, and wears off after a few hits. They are weak to Water spells.
They usually just drop gold but they make for decent Slayer experience if you are high enough level to kill them easily, so much so that many would argue that it is only second in Exp/Min to the Dagannoth Tasks. Players can also collect the potato cactus that is spawned in the area. Healing prayers and weapons are very helpful, as you will likely be able to heal as much as or more than the damage you receive from the Soldiers, especially due to the low chance of becoming poisoned, and the low intensity of the poison. These monsters are also commonly ranged with the aid of a dwarf multicannon. They can also be ranged or maged by staying in the safe spot behind the buried skeleton, giving you full range to attack and stay safe.
No charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 8,031 kills. 1 charm is dropped at a time. Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).