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RuneScape Wiki

Karam chathead

Karam is a member of the 10th Squad who appears in invisible armour, similar to the ghostly robes. When he does not move he used to be almost totally invisible (before the Gnome update, he is now very easy to see), leaving no trace of him except for his shadow and the "!" he uses to notice players (which he does when the player is caught). He is camouflaged very easily and spies on the monkeys in Marim. He is found in several locations around the Ape Atoll but can only be talked to when he is seen hiding in the long grass behind the Marim Jail.

If you are detected in Ape Atoll such as in the Monkey Child's house and the storeroom, he will sneak behind and kill the monkeys who are trying to arrest you. For players seeking to create a medium ninja monkey greegree, it is advised to stand near the shack where you find the monkey dentures and un-equip your current greegree. This will cause a medium ninja monkey to attack you with melee, if you are close enough to Karam he will kill the medium ninja monkey instantly, leaving its bones for you to pick up.

Most of the time Karam is completely useless even if the ninja monkey walks right through him. It is hard to get him to attack the guards, the easiest and fastest way to get ninja monkey bones is to just kill one of the archers on the platform in the northwest of the market area (can be attacked by melee and bones can be looted from platform).
