All Life points: 1,900
Life points: 1,900
All Slayer experience: 37
Slayer experience: 37
All Combat experience: 95.4
Combat experience: 95.4
All Release date: 30 April 2002
Release date1: 30 April 2002
All Release date: 11 August 2014
Release date2: 11 August 2014
All Release date: 11 August 2014
Release date3: 11 August 2014
All Combat level: 53
Combat level: 53
All Is members only: true
Is members only1: true
All Is members only: true
Is members only2: true
All Is members only: true
Is members only3: true
All NPC ID: 23
NPC ID1: 23
All NPC ID: 19539
NPC ID2: 19539
All NPC ID: 19547
NPC ID3: 19547
The Knights of Ardougne are knights found in the East Ardougne market place and Ardougne Castle. They will protect all stalls from the silk stall and up by attacking players that they observe stealing from them. They can be pickpocketed at level 55 Thieving, giving the player 50 coins and 84.33 Thieving experience. Failing to pickpocket will result in being hit for ~3.4-3.7 % of your remaining life points.
After the events of Plague's End, they replace all the mourners within West Ardougne and the Mourner HQ. These Knights have the same stats as the mourners they replace, and those replacing unattackable mourners can likewise not be attacked. The mourners on the surface of West Ardougne have no drops besides bones, but those in the Mourner HQ have the same drops as the mourners there do, with the exception of the mourner outfit, which can instead be obtained from a chest inside what was formerly the Head Mourner's office. Oddly, those inside the office count for Elf slayer assignments.
The Knights in East Ardougne are stronger and have more health than the Heroes they guard alongside, despite wearing steel equipment, guarding a lower level stall, and requiring a lower Thieving level to pickpocket.