Kudos to You is an achievement that requires the player to obtain all available Kudos by helping out the Varrock Museum.
A player can earn a maximum of 198 kudos in the Varrock Museum activity through 5 different methods:
- By cleaning finds (50 kudos)
- By answering a natural history quiz about museum exhibits given by Orlando Smith (or Mark Brodie, who is found at the same location, if The World Wakes is already completed) in the basement (28 kudos)
- By relating details of certain completed quests to Historian Minas (currently 95 kudos)
- By completing the Dahmaroc statue for the first time (10 kudos)
- By completing dragonkin related quests and tasks (this includes defeating the Queen Black Dragon once for the First dragonkin journal) and talking to Mr. Mordaut (15 kudos)