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Kuradal chathead

Kuradal is the second highest level Slayer Master, the daughter of Duradel, and the current holder and seller of the Slayer cape. She is found in the Ancient Cavern, which requires barbarian training to access. Players need at least 75 Slayer and 110 combat to obtain a slayer assignment from her. She keeps many of the monsters she assigns in a nearby dungeon.

The easiest way to reach her is by using a ferocious ring, which teleports directly to Kuradal and may be obtained as a drop from any of the monsters located in her dungeon. Alternatively, she may be reached through the fairy ring network using the code BJQ. However, this fairy ring must first be repaired using 5 bittercap mushrooms. This area can also be accessed via running South of Barbarian Assault minigame and diving off the pier.


Kuradal was born to Duradel and a yet to be revealed mother. When speaking to her about herself, Kuradal reveals that she has been engaged in combat training since childhood, and trained in Slayer from a young age, under her father. She remained very close to her father, but both are competitive, and she sought to be the best, even to surpass her father. She accepted the position of a Slayer Master, and now she offers Slayer challenges greater than those offered by her father.

In Festival of the Dead, she revealed that she would go out at night to slay tougher and tougher creatures to surpass her father when she was a child. At some point, Kuradal's mother and father separated; she had completed many preparations to bring her father and mother back together, before Duradel's death, and regretted not making these preparations sooner, to bring her parents back together while her father was still alive.

Kuradal also seems to be good friends with Morvran. Morvran reveals that he met her during one of his travels outside Tirannwn, and Kuradal showed him much about the rest of the world. In return, Morvran taught her the many secrets that were closed off. Sometime after the restoration of Prifddinas, Kuradal began supplying Morvran monsters for his dungeon.

Slayer points[]

Successfully completing a Slayer assignment confers an amount of Slayer points depending on how many tasks have been successfully completed in a row. After the Smoking Kills quest the amount is doubled. Completion of a task assigned by Kuradal after completing Smoking Kills will grant:

  • 18 Slayer points for a normal task
  • 90 for every 10th task
  • 270 for every 50th task

This means that an average of 28.8 points are earned per task in each 50-task set.


Monster Number of kills Combat level Slayer experience Required Slayer level Weakness Weighting
Aberrant spectres 140-250 72, 78 (Pollnivneach slayer dungeon) 109, 123 60 Thrown weakness icon Thrown (Slayer tower)
Arrow weakness icon Arrows (Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon)
Abyssal demons [a 1] 150-250 98 278 85 Slash weakness icon Slash 12
Acheron Mammoth 45-60 135 4215.6 96 Stab weakness icon Stab ?
Adamant dragons 40-50 116 656 1 Air weakness icon Air spells 8
Airuts [a 1] 125-150 122 800 92 Zero weakness icon Nothing 20
Aquanites [a 2] 120-240 95 212.6 78 Arrow weakness icon Arrows 10
Ascension members 100-125 84 (Rorarius), 91 (Gladius), 105 (Capsarius/Scutarius), 304 (Legiones) 147.5/231/409.5/1922 81/95 Ranged weakness icon Ranged 10
Automatons[a 3] 65-80 115 624 67 Fire weakness icon Fire spells (Automaton Guardian)
Crush weakness icon Crush (Automaton Tracer)
Arrow weakness icon Arrows (Automaton Generator)
Aviansie[a 4][1] 100-200 89, 92, 95, 580/102 (Kree'arra and guards) 179, 2261, 209, 161, 150 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts (aviansies), Zero weakness icon Nothing (Kree'arra and guards) 9
Black demons 190-250 98 294 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts 10
Black dragons 40-90 70 (Baby), 100 (Black), 276 (King), 900 (Queen) 245 , 1,104.5, 1780 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts (baby/regular dragons), Zero weakness icon Nothing (KBD/QBD) 5
Bloodveld 180-250 61, 68, 92 (Godwars dungeon), 91 & 95 (mutated) 38.6, 88.4, 197, 216, 239.6 50 Thrown weakness icon Thrown
Fire weakness icon Fire spells (Mutated)
Blue dragons[a 1] 120-200 74, 44 (baby) 93.8, 18.8 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts 7
Camel Warriors 25 132 4768.8 96 Crush weakness icon Crush ?
Celestial dragons[a 5] 125-150 127 976.3 1 Arrow weakness icon Arrows 16
Chaos giant[a 6] 60-100 126 929 1 Stab weakness icon Stab 8[2]
Corrupted creatures 188-223 See Corrupted creature page See Corrupted creature page See Corrupted creature page See Corrupted creature page 8[3]
Dagannoth 170-240 See Dagannoth article See Dagannoth article 1 See Dagannoth article 10
Dark beasts[a 1] 150-250 105, 112 (revenant) 331.4, 140 90 Bolt weakness icon Bolts, Zero weakness icon Nothing (revenant) 12
Desert strykewyrms 90-160 103 376.5 77 Stab weakness icon Stab 9
Dust devils 150-250 85 192.8 65 Crush weakness icon Crush 10
Edimmus[a 7] 199 122 (normal), 125 (powerful) 880.2, 929 90 Slash weakness icon Slash 10
Elves 120-150 84/89 (Elf warrior), 108 (Seren mage, Seren archer, Seren warrior), 122 (Cadarn magus, Cadarn ranger, Iorwerth guard, Iorwerth scout) 73.6/89.4, 334.2, 334.2, 334.2, 608, 608, 608, 608 1 Fire weakness icon Fire spells
Crush weakness icon Crush
Fire giants 170-250 85 161.2 1 Slash weakness icon Slash 10
Ganodermic creatures 70-90 112 565 (beast), 565 (runt) 95 Fire weakness icon Fire spells 7
Gargoyles [a 1] 150-250 93 197.4 75 Water weakness icon Water spells 12
Glacors [a 8] 50-70 112 1881 1 Fire weakness icon Fire spells 8
Greater demons [a 1] 150-258 82, 650/102 (K'ril Tsutsaroth and Tstanon Karlak) 142, 2151.5, 209, 161, 150 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts (regular), Fire weakness icon Fire spells (K'ril/Tstanon) 11
Grifolapine 65-80 103 279 88 Water weakness icon Water spells 8
Grifolaroo 65-80 107 323.2 82 Earth weakness icon Earth spells 8
Grotworms 80-160 28 (young), 63 (regular), 98 (mature) 12, 28, 343.6 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts 10
Hellhounds [a 1] 130-230 92, 95 (God Wars Dungeon) 93.6, 218 1 Water weakness icon Water spells (God Wars Dungeon)
Slash weakness icon Slash (elsewhere)
Ice strykewyrms [a 9] 100-220 152 693.2 93 Fire weakness icon Fire spells 12
Iron dragons [a 1] 40-120 106 245 1 Water weakness icon Water spells 9
Jungle strykewyrms 90-130 98 250 73 Stab weakness icon Stab 8
Kal'gerion demons 54-100 126 1858.8 90 [a 10] Zero weakness icon Nothing 5
Kalphites 170-250 Regular: 58, 65, 72, 333 (Kalphite Queen)

Exiled: 75, 84, 84, 98, 98, 356 (Exiled Kalphite Queen), 2500 (Kalphite King)

Regular: 62, 78.8, 99.8, 1347

Exiled: 110, 147, 147, 240, 240, 2055, 14,332.5

1 See Kalphites page 5
Lava strykewyrms 50-100 115 (Lava strykewyrm), 1338 (WildyWyrm) 1872 (Lava strykewyrm), 16462 (WildyWyrm) 94 Zero weakness icon Nothing 12
Living rock creatures 110-185 92 (protector/striker), 95 (patriarch) 98, 320 1 Water weakness icon Water spells (Protector/Patriarch)
Crush weakness icon Crush (Striker)
Living wyverns 44-? 127, 133 (elite) 1878.8, 2654 96 Fire weakness icon Fire spells ?
Mithril dragons 20-35 112 564.4 1 Earth weakness icon Earth spells 8
Muspah [a 11] 120-150 150 784 76 Zero weakness icon Nothing 16
Mutated jadinko 160-220 93 (baby), 96 (guard), 100 (male) 98.6, 188.4, 209.6 80, 86, 91 Stab weakness icon Stab 8
Nechryael 140-220 96 251.6 80 Crush weakness icon Crush 10
Nightmare[a 12] 128 1540 80 Earth weakness icon Earth spells
Nihil [a 11] 40-90 160 564 76 Magic weakness icon Magic (Blood)
Ranged weakness icon Ranged (Ice/Smoke)
Melee weakness icon Melee (Shadow)
Skeletal Wyverns 40-90 109 510.8 72 Fire weakness icon Fire spells 5
Spiritual mages 150-240 98 229 83 Arrow weakness icon Arrows (Zamorak)
Bolt weakness icon Bolts (Armadyl, Bandos and Saradomin)
Stalker creatures[a 13] 86, 128, 135 (elite) 440.6, 1950 71, 99 Thrown weakness icon Thrown (Seeker) Arrow weakness icon Arrows (Soulgazer) 8[4]
Steel dragons [a 1] 40-100 100 350 1 Water weakness icon Water spells 9
Suqahs 50-100 73, 74, 79 49.8 1 Fire weakness icon Fire spells 5
Terror dogs 60-70 61, 65 69, 79 40 Slash weakness icon Slash 6
TzHaar 70-110 86 77 1 Water weakness icon Water spells (TzHaar-Ket and TzHaar-Hur)
Slash weakness icon Slash (TzHaar-Xil)
Arrow weakness icon Arrows (TzHaar-Mej)
Tormented demons [a 14] 40-60 119 1136 1 Fire weakness icon Fire spells (melee), Bolt weakness icon Bolts (magic), Stab weakness icon Stab (ranged) 8
Vyrewatch [a 15] 90-130 70, 72, 75, 78, 86, 91 (Vyrewatch) / 98 (Vyrelord/Vyrelady) 45.4, 49.8, 54.8, 60.6, 81.0, 340 / 340 31 / 67 Thrown weakness icon Thrown (only blisterwood weapons can cause damage) 8
Warped tortoises [a 16] 150-240 72 95 56 Bolt weakness icon Bolts requires crystal chime in inventory 8
Waterfiends 170-250 102 (Ghorrock), 107 290.8, 335 1 Bolt weakness icon Bolts 9
Total weight 498+?
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i These monsters are found in her dungeon.
  2. ^ The ability to be assigned aquanites using 50 Slayer points must be purchased.
  3. ^ Requires The World Wakes to unlock area, and the following to unlock Automatons: The Firemaker's CurseRitual of the MahjarratThe Chosen CommanderThe Branches of Darkmeyer, and The Void Stares Back.
  4. ^ Requires you to speak to the dying knight outside of God Wars Dungeon to unlock them as a task.
  5. ^ Requires One of a kind
  6. ^ Requires Birthright of the Dwarves
  7. ^ Requires 115 Dungeoneering
  8. ^ Only after completing Ritual of the Mahjarrat and paying 50 Slayer points to toggle it on.
  9. ^ Players need to own a fire cape or TokHaar-Kal (equipped, in player-owned house, in bank, or in inventory) or have purchased the ability to get an ice strykewyrm Slayer task for 2,000 Slayer points. Players must also have completed The Tale of the Muspah. Dropping all fire capes before obtaining a new task and picking them up afterwards can avoid this assignment.
  10. ^ This is the level required to be assigned them as a task. Players also need 90 Dungeoneering to access the Kal'gerion dungeon
  11. ^ a b The Fate of the Gods quest must be completed and purchased the ability to assign them using 50 Slayer points.
  12. ^ Only after completing Children of Mah and paying 50 Slayer points to toggle on the ability to be assigned them.
  13. ^ Only after completing Dishonor Among Thieves.
  14. ^ Only after finishing While Guthix Sleeps and paying 50 Slayer points to toggle it on.
  15. ^ Only after finishing The Branches of Darkmeyer quest.
  16. ^ Requires completion of The Path of Glouphrie quest

Slayer Challenge[]

Kuradal will occasionally offer a special task in place of a regular Slayer task. The player needs to accept the challenge right away, as there are no options to "swap" the task for the challenge when talking to her after she has given the task. The player can decline to take the special task without penalty. If the player accepts the special task, completing the task:

  • Earns extra Slayer experience.
  • Earns Slayer points, if the player has completed the Smoking Kills quest.
  • Counts as a task for the player's consecutive task count, which is used for Slayer points.

Kuradal's special task is for the player to slay 280 volcanic creatures of the Fight Cave in place of a regular task of slaying TzHaar. Only creatures killed in the TzHaar Fight Cave and certain creatures during Brink of Extinction count for this special task. The number of Fight Cave monsters Kuradal assigns is always just enough to clear the entire Fight Cave activity once, including killing 2 waves of 4 healers during the fight with TzTok-Jad. During this task, the player is rewarded 25,000 extra Slayer experience if they kill TzTok-Jad. Killing all 280 monsters in the Fight Cave grants 50,000 Slayer experience, adding up to 76,500 Slayer experience.

Task weighting[]

The percentage chance of getting assigned a given Slayer task can be calculated using the formula

where is the task's weight and is the sum of all weights for the particular Slayer Master. Note that the weights of all blocked tasks, as well as tasks toggled off have to be subtracted from the sum . Preferring a task doubles its chance of being assigned.

For Kuradal, assuming all possible assignments are available, = 474.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Slayer cape Slayer cape Infinite 99,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A
Slayer hood Slayer hood Infinite 99,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A
Slayer cape (t) Slayer cape (t) Infinite 99,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A
Slayer master cape Slayer master cape Infinite 120,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A



Kuradal statspy

Kuradal using Stat Spy on a player.


Kuradal casting magic.

Kuradal hitting

The old version of Kuradal's magic.

  • Before her official release, she appeared randomly in various slayer locations since 3 December 2009 using an unknown teleport. She used the Stat Spy spell while saying "Hmm... you'll be coming with me." and Monster Examine while saying "Hmm, interesting ..." She was spotted at the aberrant spectres, abyssal demons, bloodveld, blue dragons, dagannoth, dark beasts, gargoyles, green dragons, hellhounds, steel dragons and greater demons.
  • Some of the Slayer monsters in Kuradal's Dungeon periodically try to leave, but she kills them in a single hit. When speaking with her through NPC Contact, she may end the call prematurely with "Hold on, something's just come out of the dungeon. Call me back in a second, I've got to go!"
  • Unlike other Slayer Masters, Kuradal says "Hello" instead of "'Ello", although when contacted by NPC Contact she will say "'Ello". However, she addresses players with 99 Slayer with "Heya".
  • When talking to Kuradal after The Ritual of the Mahjarrat, she admits she was at the fight against the Mahjarrat's minions but she chased one of the Mahjarrat inside the cave in which the Stone of Jas stood in the quest. Inside the cave, she killed a couple hundred glacors, but she remains upset that she wasn't able to kill Lucien herself. She is seen crying over Lucien's body in the final cutscene.
  • After Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Kuradal also mentions that she may attempt to capture a few Dragonkin for Slayer training.
  • During Father Joakim's commemorative event for her father Duradel, Kuradal remarks that she "would have loved to get mother and father back together again" and had "made all the preparations" but never got the chance; it is as yet unknown who her mother was. She also remarked that as a child she and her father would compete to see who could slay more monsters, with her being determined to surpass him.


  1. ^ Jagex. Mod Daze's Twitter account. 7 August 2018. Mod Daze: "Talk to the guy on the surface and it should unlock then"
  2. ^ Mod Iago. Reddit. 8/01/2018. "Both Chaos giants & Corrupted creatures have a weighting of 8 from Kuradel."*
  3. ^ Mod Iago. Reddit. 8/01/2018. "Both Chaos giants & Corrupted creatures have a weighting of 8 from Kuradel."*
  4. ^ Mod Iago. Reddit. 8/01/2018. "Stalker Creatures have a task weighting of 8 from both Slayer Masters."*