RuneScape Wiki
Leech Magic
Leech Magic
Release date 3 December 2009 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 78
Book Ancient Curses
Drain rate 200 points per minute (1 point per 0.3 seconds)
Effect +2 to +5 Magic levels (for accuracy)
-4 to -8 enemy Magic levels (for accuracy)
Leech Magic

Leech Magic , one of the Ancient Curses, has two effects:

  • Boosts Magic when calculating hit chance by 2 levels, increasing to 5 over time.
  • Drains enemy Magic when calculating hit chance by 4 levels, increasing to 8 over time.

Leech curses drain one opponent. Following each kill, the leech % resets, and %'s does not carry across opponents. You can maximise an enemy's drain, but upon fighting a new opponent the drain will restart, eventually rising to maximum again. Player boosts do carry across, however, providing that the player is supplied with more drains to sustain the leech.


  • According to the ancient hymnal, Leech Magic's verbal incantation is "Reple me artem magicam hostium." (Refill me with the magic skill of my enemies.)