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Letter (Creature of Fenkenstrain) detail

The letter from Creature of Fenkenstrain contains a message from Lord Rologarth to his brother Rologarric. To obtain it, wind the clock in the south-west tower.

If it is dropped, players can not get this item back.


The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Letter (Creature of Fenkenstrain).


I am writing to you, my brother, to ask for your aid, and to forgive me on behalf of all the poor souls that I have sacrificed to save my own neck. I have no doubt that my own soul lies forfeit, but I would wish to see you once again before I am cast into the eternal fire. You well know the history of our noble ancestors, who have stood against the wave of darkness covering all of Morytania, protecting the inhabitants of this castle by sheer force of personality. I, however, stand lacking in their all too dominating shadow. I have been weak, my brother, letting Him rule in my stead.

You know of whom I speak but dare not name - my 'doctor' of many years, the very same creature you sought to escape ten years ago. He advised me that the power in the South was rising, and soon our ancestral home would fall to the growing evil. He advised me to send a gift of tribute to the vampires, to satisfy their hunger for at least a while. I regret to say that I acceded to this request. I ordered a young girl out into the forest to pick mushrooms, knowing that I was sending her to her death, or worse, her undeath.

Of course, soon after my advisor told me that the vampires were again restive, and to send another 'gift' And of course, this I did, to ensure the safety of everyone in the castle.

But a vampire's hunger can never be sated. Every innocent soul I have sent into the Forest to their doom both strengthens their power and increases their hunger.

He knows this. I look into his eyes and see amusement. In his eyes I see the truth - that he must have struck a deal with them some time ago. He sold my people to them in exchange for... this castle.

I have sent them all to their doom, and now I fear my own.

Your brother,
15th Lord of the North Coast


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