RuneScape Wiki

Limitless sigil detail

Limitless sigil is a sigil made by combining 1,000 vital sparks. When activated, the player is able to use threshold abilities without needing to have 50% adrenaline for 6 seconds, as long as 15% adrenaline for each ability is available. The sigil cannot be activated if the player has 61% adrenaline or higher. This effect has a 90 second cooldown and does not work in the wilderness.

The sigil begins with a maximum of 1,000 charges, losing one charge per activation. It can be recharged at a cost of 1 vital spark per charge, which is 143,404 coins according to the current Grand Exchange price.

Based on the GE prices of vital sparks, a limitless sigil costs 143,404,000 to create.

Adrenaline Requirements[]

Normally, thresholds can only be activated at 50%-100% adrenaline.

With the sigil's effect active, thresholds can be activated at 15%-100% adrenaline.

Combat Stats
NoneSigil slotDefenceArmour0
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Style-Style bonuses