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For this item's augmented variant, see Augmented Linza's shield.

Linza's shield detail

Linza's shield is a degradable melee shield which requires 80 Defence to wear. It is part of Linza the Disgraced's equipment. It can be obtained as a reward from Barrows after completion of Kindred Spirits.

Wearing all five parts of the set (including the shield) provides the set effect Linza's Disgrace, which provides a 1/8 chance to counterattack when struck in combat, dealing 500-800 reflection damage to the target that hit you. This can stack with the Deathtouch bracelet, and the two effects may activate on the same hit.

Linza the Disgraced weapons concept art

Concept art

Combat Stats
RequirementsDegradesLinza's shield equipped
80 Defence30,000 charges
Attack MeleeOff-hand slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour384PvM: 8%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points385Style bonuses

Degradation and repair[]

Linza's shield has 30,000 charges of combat before degrading to a broken state. The base repair cost of the Linza's shield when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 750,000 coins. It can be repaired by:

Alternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house, or a whetstone device anywhere. This provides a discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts).

If it is only partially degraded, then the cost of a full repair is multiplied by the percentage of item charge that needs to be repaired to produce the current repair cost.

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Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
BarrowsN/A1Very rare


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