List of music obtained while fighting a boss.
Quest boss music[]

Barrelchest, a formidable foe.
- Arrav - Undead Army & Return of Lucien
- Abomination - Abomination (music track)
- Arzinian Avatar - Claustrophobia
- Apep & Heru - Final Showdown
- Balance Elemental - Temple Desecrated
- Bandos avatar - The Chosen Commander
- Banshee mistress - Slain to Waste
- Barrelchest - Brain Battle
- Black demon (The Grand Tree) - Narnode's Theme and Attack2
- Colonel Grimsson (King of the Dwarves) - Colonel Grimsson
- Colonel Grimsson (Birthright of the Dwarves) Red Axe Retribution
- Count Draynor - I'm Counting On You
- Chaos Grimsson & Chaos Hreidmar - Rage of the Red Axe
- Culinaromancer - Chef Surprize
- Char - Charred Remains
- Dawn - Fighting for Light Part II
- Dagannoth mother (Horror from the Deep) - Out of the Deep
- Dagannoth Mother (Blood Runs Deep) - Maiasaura
- Dagannoth sentinels - Jaws of the Dagannoth
- Elvarg - Attack II
- Lowerniel Drakan - The Lord of Vampyrium
- Lucien - Return of Lucien
- General Khazard (Fight Arena) - Attack IV
- General Khazard (Ritual of the Mahjarrat) - Undead Army
- Giant Roc - Roc and Roll
- Giant scarab - Beetle Juice
- Giant scarab (Dealing with Scabaras) - Copris Lunaris
- Glod - Fe Fi Fo Fum
- H.A.M. mage and H.A.M. ranger - Ham Attack
- Jungle demon - Showdown
- Kree'Arra - Bird of Prey
- Nial Swiftfling - Frost Fight
- Nomad (Nomad's Requiem) - Battle of Souls
- Nomad (Nomad's Elegy) - Construct and Construction Destruction
- Pest Queen - The Void Stares Back
- Sea Troll Queen - Last Stand
- Sigmund (Another Slice of H.A.M.) - Slice of Silent Movie
- Sigmund (Death to the Dorgeshuun) - Sigmund's Showdown
- Spirit Beast - Bane of Summer
- Tormented demons - Undead Army
- The Everlasting - Everlasting
- The Illusive - Illusive
- The Inadequacy - Inadequacy
- The Untouchable - Untouchable
- TokTz-Ket-Dill - Arma Gonna Get You
- Tolna - No Way Out
- Vanstrom Klause - Upir Likhyi
- Zaromark Sliver and Fistandantilus - Conspiracy: Part 2
- Zanik - Face Off
PvM/Activity/D&D bosses[]

Tz-Tok-Jad, the obsidian fire elemental.
- Dagannoth Kings - Three Kings
- General Graardor - Bandos Battalion
- Commander Zilyana - Strength of Saradomin
- Kree'arra - Armadyl Alliance
- K'ril Tsutsaroth - Zamorak Zoo
- Nex - Zaros Zeitgeist
- Bork - The Wrong Path
- Corporeal Beast - Bane of Summer
- Giant mole - The Mad Mole
- Phoenix - The Phoenix
- Araxxor and Araxxi - Webbed Feat
- Kalphite King - King of the Desert
- Kalphite Queen - Insect Queen
- TzTok Jad - TzHaar!
- Vorago - Vorago (music track)
- Penance Queen - Pirates of Penance
- Skeletal horror - Exhibit 'A'
- King Black Dragon - Royal Rumble and Attack V
- Cliff - Troll Invasion
- Queen Black Dragon - Awoken & Queen Black Dragon
- Shadow Barrows Brothers - The Price is Wight
- Beastmaster Durzag - Beastmaster Durzag
- Yakamaru - Yakamaru I & Yakamaru II
- Gregorovic - Gregorovic
- Nymora, the Vengeful and Avaryss, the Unceasing - Song of the Furies
- Helwyr - Helwyr's Hymn
- Vindicta and Gorvek - Dragon Rider
- Telos, the Warden - Anima
- The Magister - The Magister's Lesson
- Solak - Guardian of the Grove mvt.1, Guardian of the Grove mvt.2, Guardian of the Grove mvt.3
Dungeoneering bosses[]

Rammernaut Hoskins, head of the Rammernaut Guard.
- Gluttonous behemoth - Gluttonous Behemoth
- Astea Frostweb - Astea Frostweb
- Icy Bones - Icy Bones
- Luminescent icefiend - Luminescent Icefiend
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz - Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- To'Kash the Bloodchiller - To'Kash the Bloodchiller
- Skeletal Horde - Divine Skinweaver
- Hobgoblin Geomancer - Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Bulwark beast - Bulwark Beast
- Unholy cursebearer - Unholy Cursebearer
- Rammernaut - Rammernaut
- Stomp - Stomp
- Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter - Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter
- Lexicus Runewright - Lexicus Runewright
Bal'lak the Pummeller, one of the Kal'Gerion demons.
- Sagittare - Sagittare
- Night-gazer Khighorahk - Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan - Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan
- Bal'lak the Pummeller - Bal'lak the Pummeller
- Skeletal trio - Skeletal Trio
- Runebound behemoth - Runed Behemoth
- Gravecreeper - Gravecreeper
- Necrolord - Necrolord
- Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk - Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk
- Yk'Lagor the Thunderous - Yk'Lagor the Thunderous
- Blink - Blink
- Warped Gulega - Warped gulega
- Dreadnaut - Dreadnaut
- Hope devourer - Hope devourer
- World-gorger Shukarhazh - World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Kal'Ger the Warmonger - Kal'Ger the Warmonger