RuneScape Wiki
Lletya Archery Shop

Lletya Archery Shop interior

Lletya Archery Shop exterior
Release date 19 July 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Minimap icon Archery shop map icon
Location Lletya
Owner Dalldav
Specialty Ranged weapons
Dalldav location

The Lletya Archery Shop is a archery shop that sells ranged weapons. It is run by Dalldav. It is located in the south-west of Lletya. The Mourning's End Part I quest needs to be started to in order to access Lletya, and by extension, this shop.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Iron arrow Iron arrow 1,000 20 coins 8 14 −6,000
Steel arrow Steel arrow 300 46 coins 18 17 −8,700
Mithril arrow Mithril arrow 100 76 coins 30 21 −5,500
Adamant arrow Adamant arrow 100 172 coins 68 51 −12,100
Rune arrow Rune arrow 30 510 coins 153 151 −10,770
Bronze bolts Bronze bolts 1,000 3 coins 1 25 22,000
Oak shortbow Oak shortbow 10 100 coins 40 624 5,240
Oak shieldbow Oak shieldbow 10 160 coins 64 623 4,630
Crossbow Crossbow 10 70 coins 28 1,567 14,970
Willow shortbow Willow shortbow 10 200 coins 80 512 3,120
Willow shieldbow Willow shieldbow 10 320 coins 128 335 150