RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
Gielinor Region Map

A map of Gielinor's regions

Locations are places that players may visit, such as cities and towns, but may also refer to places unreachable by players, such as the castle in A Tail of Two Cats.


The regions of RuneScape

Location Members? Size Kingdom Requirement(s) to access Image
The Abyss Yes Realm Multiverse Completion of the Abyss miniquest The Abyss
Al Kharid No City Kharidian Desert None Al Kharid
Aminishi Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest Aminishi
Anachronia‎ Yes Island Anachronia‎ None
Annakarl No Location Wilderness None Annakarls destruction
Ape Atoll Yes Island Ape Atoll Partial completion of Monkey Madness quest Ape Atoll
Ardougne (East and West) Yes City, Capital Kandarin None East ArdougneWest Ardougne
Ashdale No Island N/A None Ashdale
Bandit Camp No Location Wilderness None Bandit Camp
Bandit Camp Yes Location Kharidian Desert None Bandit Camp (desert)
Barbarian Outpost Yes Village Fremennik Province Completion of Bar Crawl miniquest and level 35 Agility Barbarian Outpost
Barrows Yes Location Morytania None Barrows entrance
Bloodsplatter Isle Yes Island Unknown Partial completion of A Clockwork Syringe quest Bloodsplatter Isle
Bonde Farm No Location Wilderness None Ruins HD 4
Bone Yard No Location Wilderness None Bone Yard current
Botany Bay No Location Unknown, North of Morytania None Botany Bay
Braindeath Island Yes Island Pirate isles Partial completion of Rum Deal quest 'Rum' factory
Burgh de Rott Yes Village Morytania Partial completion of In Aid of the Myreque quest Burgh de Rott
Burthorpe No City Asgarnia None Burthorpe
Cairn Isle Yes Location Karamja Level 15 Agility Cairn Isle
Canifis Yes Village Morytania None Canifis
Carrallangar No Location Wilderness None Graveyard of Shadows
Castle Drakan Yes Location Morytania Partial completion of Darkness of Hallowvale quest Castle Drakan2
Catherby Yes Village Kandarin None Catherby
Cosmic Plane Yes Realm N/A Partial completion of Fairy Tale Part II quest TheCosmicPlane
Crash Island Yes Island Unknown Partial completion of Monkey Madness quest Crash island
Crandor No Island Karamja Partial completion of Dragon Slayer quest Crandor
Cyclosis Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest and completion of Cyclosis voyage in player-owned port Cyclosis
Daemonheim No City Fremennik Province None Daemonheim entrance
Dareeyak No Location Wilderness None Wilderness Ruins
Dark Warriors' Fortress No Location Wilderness None Dark Warriors' Fortress
Darkmeyer Yes City, Capital Morytania Partial completion of The Branches of Darkmeyer quest Darkmeyer NXT
Death Plateau Yes Village Troll Country Partial completion of Death Plateau quest Deathplateau
Dorgesh-Kaan Yes City Misthalin Completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun quest Dorgesh-Kaan
Digsite No Location Misthalin None Digsite View
Dragontooth Island Yes Island Unknown None Dragontooth Island
Draynor Village No Village Misthalin None NewDraynor
Dream World Yes Realm N/A Partial completion of Lunar Diplomacy quest Dreamlannd
Dwarven Mine No Village Asgarnia None Dwarven Mine south
Eagle's Peak Yes Location Kandarin None Eagles Peak Mountain
Eastbridge Yes Location Unknown Unknown
Edgeville No Village Misthalin None Edgeville
Elf Camp Yes Location Tirannwn Partial completion of Regicide quest Elf Camp
Enchanted Valley Yes Realm N/A Partial completion of Fairy Tale Part II quest (for fairy rings) Enchanted valley
Entrana Yes Island Asgarnia None Entrana
Falador No City, Capital Asgarnia None Falador
Fisher Realm Yes Realm Realm of the Fisher King Completion of Holy Grail quest Grail Castle ruinedFisher King Realm
Fishing Platform Yes Island Kandarin Partial completion of Sea Slug quest Fishing platform
Fremennik spiritual realm Yes Realm Fremennik Province Partial completion of Blood Runs Deep quest Fremennik spiritual realm
Freneskae Yes Realm Freneskae Partial completion of Fate of the Gods quest Freneskae
Ghorrock Yes Location Troll Country Partial completion of The Temple at Senntisten quest Ghorrock entrance
Glacor Cave Yes Location Troll Country Completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest Glacor Cave
Goblin Village No Village Asgarnia None Goblin Village
God Wars Dungeon Yes Location Troll Country Partial completion of Troll Stronghold quest and level 60 Strength or Agility God Wars Dungeon
Gorak Plane Yes Realm N/A Partial completion of Fairy Tale Part II quest (for fairy rings) Gorak's Plane
Goshima Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest Goshima
Grim Underworld Yes Realm N/A None River Noumenon
Gunnarsgrunn No Village Misthalin None Barbarian Village
Gu'Tanoth Yes Village, Capital Feldip Hills Partial completion of Watchtower quest Gu'tanoth
Harmony Island Yes Island Morytania Partial completion of The Great Brain Robbery quest Harmony island
Haunted Woods Yes Location Morytania Completion of Priest in Peril quest Haunted woods2
Heart of Gielinor Yes Location Kharidian Desert None Heart of Gielinor
Hemenster Yes Village Kandarin None Hemenster 2
Iceberg Yes Island Acheron None Iceberg
Ice Path Yes Location Troll Country Completion of Desert Treasure quest Ice Gate
Infernal Dimensions Yes Realm Infernus Partial completion of The Golem quest Shadow of the storm portal
Isafdar Yes Location Tirannwn Partial completion of Regicide quest Elvenscapeisafdar
The Islands That Once Were Turtles Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest The Islands That Once Were Turtles
Jatizso Yes Village Fremennik Isles Partial completion of The Fremennik Isles quest Jatizso town
Jiggig Yes Village Feldip Hills None Jiggig
Kanatah Yes Village Mazcab None Kanatah
Keldagrim Yes City Troll Country Partial completion of The Giant Dwarf quest Keldagrim East
Kethsi Yes Realm Multiverse Partial completion of Fairy Tale Part II quest (for fairy rings) and completion of Fate of the Gods quest Kethsi statue broken arm
Killerwatt Plane Yes Realm N/A Completion of Ernest the Chicken quest Killerwatt Plane
Kharazi Jungle Yes Location Karamja Partial completion of Legends' Quest Kharazi Jungle
Kharyrll Yes Location Morytania None Canifis
Land of Snow No Realm Land of Snow Partial completion of Myths of the White Lands quest LandOfSnow2008
Lassar No Location Asgarnia None Icemountain
Lava Maze No Location Wilderness None Lava Maze
Lighthouse Yes Location Fremennik Province Partial completion of Horror from the Deep quest Lighthouse View
Lletya Yes Village Tirannwn Partial completion of Mourning's End Part I quest or partial completion of The Prisoner of Glouphrie quest Lletya
Lumbridge No City Misthalin None Lumbridge
Lunar Isle Yes Island Lunar Isle Partial completion of Lunar Diplomacy quest Lunar Isle
Mage Arena Yes Location Wilderness Level 60 Magic Mage Arena
Meiyerditch Yes City Morytania Completion of The Branches of Darkmeyer quest Meiyerditch4
Menaphos Yes City, Capital Kharidian Desert Partial completion of The Jack of Spades quest Menaphos Gate
Miscellania and Etceteria Yes Island Fremennik Isles Completion of The Fremennik Trials quest MiscellaniaThe Castle of Etceteria
Mort Myre Swamp Yes Location Morytania None Mort Myre Swamp
Mort'ton Yes Village Morytania None Centre of Mor'ton
Mos Le'Harmless Yes Island Eastern Sea Completion of Cabin Fever quest Mos le'harmless
Mountain Camp Yes Location Fremennik Province None Mountain Camp
Mudskipper Point No Location Asgarnia None Mudskipper Point
Musa Point No Village Karamja None Musa Point
Naragun Yes Realm N/A Completion of The World Wakes quest Naragi plane
Nardah Yes Village Kharidian Desert None Nardah
Neitiznot Yes Village Fremennik Isles Partial completion of The Fremennik Isles quest Neitiznot scenery
Otot Yes City Mazcab None Otot
Oo'glog Yes Village Feldip Hills None Oo'glog
Paddewwa No Location Misthalin None Edgeville trees
Pirates' Cove Yes Island Northern Sea Partial completion of Lunar Diplomacy quest Pirates' Cove
Pirates' Hideout Yes Location Wilderness Level 39 Thieving and a lockpick Pirates' Hideout
Piscatoris Fishing Colony Yes Village Kandarin Completion of Swan Song quest Piscatoris Fishing Colony
Pollnivneach Yes Village Kharidian Desert None Pollnivneach
Port Khazard Yes Village Kandarin None Port Khazard
Port Phasmatys Yes Village Morytania 2 ecto-tokens (free after completion of Ghosts Ahoy quest) Port Phasmatys
Port Sarim No Village Asgarnia None Port Sarim
Prifddinas Yes City, Capital Tirannwn Completion of Plague's End quest Prifddinas
Primordial Realm Yes Realm Multiverse None Stealing Creation game arena
Puro-Puro Yes Realm N/A Completion of Lost City quest Puro-Puro
Rellekka Yes City, Capital Fremennik Province None Rellekka
Rimmington No Village Asgarnia None Rimmington view
Rock Island Prison Yes Islands Southern Sea Partial completion of Rocking Out quest Rock Island Prison
Rogues' Castle No Location Wilderness None Rogues' Castle
Rune Essence Mine No Realm The North Completion of Rune Mysteries quest Rune essence mine
Saranthium Yes Location Misthalin Completion of The Dig Site quest Digsite View
ScapeRune No Realm N/A Partial completion of Fairy Tale Part II quest (for fairy rings) Evil Bob1
Scorpion Pit No Location Wilderness None Scorpion Pit
Seers' Village Yes Village Kandarin None Seer's Village
Senntisten Yes Location Misthalin, Asgarnia, Wilderness, Morytania Completion of The Digsite quest Senntisten Temple
Shilo Village Yes Village, Capital Karamja Partial completion of Shilo Village quest Shilo village
Ship Yard Yes Location Karamja Partial completion of The Grand Tree quest Ship Yard
Silvarea No Village Misthalin None Silvarea
Sophanem Yes City Kharidian Desert Partial completion of Icthlarin's Little Helper quest Sophanem Market
Spider Realm No Realm N/A Partial completion of Web of Shadows holiday event Land of the Spiders 1
Spirit Plane Yes Realm N/A None Familiarisation gameplay
Spirit Realm Yes Realm Wilderness (Parallel) Partial completion of Spirit of Summer quest Wilderness Ruins (west portal)
Tai Bwo Wannai Yes Village Karamja None Hardwood grove
Tarddiad Yes Realm Tarddiad Partial completion of Fate of the Gods quest Tarddiad
Taverley No Village Asgarnia None Taverley
Tree Gnome Stronghold Yes City Kandarin None Tree gnome stronghold gate
Tree Gnome Village Yes Village Kandarin None Tree Gnome Village
Troll Stronghold Yes Village Troll Country None Troll Stronghold (area)
Trollheim Yes Village, Capital Troll Country Partial completion of Troll Stronghold quest Trollheim
Trollweiss Mountain Yes Location Troll Country Partial completion of Troll Stronghold quest Trollweiss mountain
Tuai Leit Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest Tuai Leit
Tyras Camp Yes Location Tirannwn Partial completion of Regicide quest TyrasCamp
TzHaar City Yes City Karamja None TzHaar City
Ullek Yes Location Kharidian Desert Partial completion of Dealing with Scabaras quest Ullek Swamps 2
Uncharted Isles Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest Uncharted Isles
Uzer Yes Location Kharidian Desert None Uzer
Varrock No City, Capital Misthalin None Varrock
The Void Yes Realm Multiverse Partial completion of Summer's End quest In the Void in Summer's End
Void Knights' Outpost Yes Island Southern Sea None Void Knights' Outpost
Waiko Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest Waiko
Waterbirth Island Yes Island Fremennik Province Partial completion of The Fremennik Trials quest Waterbirth Island
Wilderness Agility Course Yes Location Wilderness Level 52 Agility Wildyagilitycourse
Wilderness Volcano No Location Wilderness None Wilderness Volcano entrance
Witchaven Yes Village Kandarin None Witchaven
Whale's Maw Yes Island The Arc Completion of Impressing the Locals quest Whale's Maw
Yanille Yes City Kandarin None Yanille
Yu'biusk Yes Realm Multiverse Partial completion of Land of the Goblins quest Yu'biusk Ruins
Zanaris Yes Realm Multiverse Completion of Lost City quest Updated Zanaris

Unreleased locations[]

These are locations that have been mentioned but never seen or accessed by the player (an asterisk (*) notes that the location has been confirmed to be revealed)*:

Location Image
Acheron* N/A
Arposandra* Galarpos Mountains vent
Britain N/A
Cursed Archipelago N/A
East Mazcab* N/A
Icyene Realm* N/A
Luke's Reef N/A
Motherland* N/A
The Other 50% Reef N/A
Palingrad* N/A
Underwater city* N/A
Vampyrium* Vampyrium
Wushanko Isles* Wushanko Isles map detail