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This article is about the transport system. For the boss in Daemonheim that must be defeated through lodestones, see Stomp (monster).
For the teleportation method in Daemonheim, see Gatestone.
Lodestone map icon

The Lodestone Network is a teleportation system that permits travel to various locations across Gielinor via the Home Teleport spell. After selecting Home Teleport, an interface will pop up, allowing you to choose where to teleport. Lodestones can be found as symbols on the minimap and on the world map, making locating them easy. Apart from Lumbridge, an ancient lodestone in the area must be activated in order to unlock travel to new locations.

A new player can only teleport to Lumbridge by default, and must complete all the tutorial introductory tasks before unlocking new lodestone locations. For free-to-play players, the only locations available are Lumbridge, Al Kharid, Draynor Village, Ashdale, Edgeville, Falador, Port Sarim, Varrock, Burthorpe, the Wilderness and Taverley - the members-only locations are greyed out in the background.

Related to unlocking the lodestones are the Lodestone achievements which were released on 13 March 2012 alongside the Lodestone Network update. They consist of unlocking each lodestone with the exception of the lodestones in Burthorpe, Bandit Camp, Lumbridge, and Lunar Isle. The achievements do not yield further rewards, apart from unlocking the lodestones.

The lodestones were built by the second Wizards' Tower wizards after the discovery of teleportational spells. The lodestone network's introduction - and proximity to key locations and other alternative transport networks - has largely reduced the need for teleportation spells across all three spellbooks, as well as the use of Portal Chambers in a Player-owned house.

Lodestone teleports use the default lodestone animation, however players may override this by activating teleport override animations within the Spell Animations section of the Animations tab, found in the Customisations interface.

In proximity of the lodestones[]


  • The lodestone closest to a bank is Prifddinas, but requires completion of Plague's End.
  • The closest lodestone to a bank for free-to-play players is Burthorpe. It is also the second closest lodestone to a bank for members.

Grand Exchange

Free to play

  • For free to play players the Varrock lodestone is the fastest way to get to the Grand Exchange.

Pay to play

  • The lodestone closest to a Grand Exchange is Prifddinas, but requires completion of Plague's End.
  • After partial completion of the Jack of Spades quest, the Menaphos lodestone is the fastest option for pay to play players to access the Grand Exchange.
  • The Edgeville lodestone gives access to the Grand Exchange for members with 21 Agility via a shortcut at the northwest wall of the Grand Exchange, providing quicker access than the Varrock lodestone.
  • A Ring of Wealth/Fortune/Luck of the dwarves can directly teleport a player to the Grand Exchange entrance.


  • The Yanille lodestone is the closest to the Fairy Ring network.
    • The Edgeville lodestone, however, is the closest to both a bank and a Fairy Ring.
  • The Al Kharid lodestone is closest to the Gnome Glider network.
  • The Port Sarim lodestone is closest to a Charter ship port.

Stat Restore Objects

  • The Falador lodestone is closest to both an Altar and a small Summoning obelisk to restore both your Prayer and Summoning points.
    • If you have access to and have completed the Canifis God Statue, the Canifis lodestone is the closest to an "altar" to restore your Prayer points.
  • The Taverley lodestone is closest to a POH portal (with level 10 Construction). It also has convenient access to the Plank maker and the bank.
    • While the Yanille lodestone is also quite close, it requires level 50 Construction to locate your home there, has no possibility of converting logs to planks and it takes more time to reach a bank.
  • The Wilderness volcano lodestone is in the Wilderness, and is thus dangerous. You will be given a warning (this warning can be turned off) before teleporting and you will be asked to confirm if you really wish to go there.
  • Players below combat level 15 should take care when using the Edgeville lodestone, as there is an aggressive mugger within range of the arrival location.
  • When the Hati winter event is active, players should be wary of using the Fremennik lodestone, as it is close to one of Hati's spawn points.

Compared to spellbook teleports, most of the lodestones in the lodestone network are situated far away from major points of interest. This compensates for the free nature of the teleport; not requiring runes.

Quick teleports[]

A player has the ability to use vis wax to charge their quick-teleports in the Lodestone Network, allowing for instant teleports. Each vis wax yields 10 charges by which 1 charge is consumed each teleport. A player may store a maximum of 4,000 charges. It costs 1,543.3 coins per quick-teleport. Instant lodestone teleports was an idea suggested on RuneLabs.

After completing the hard Wilderness achievements teleporting to the Wilderness Lodestone is always instant and free of charge. Not all teleportation animation overrides also override quick teleports.


Icon Name Location Shortcut Members Image Minimap
Lumbridge lodestone icon Lumbridge East of Lumbridge Castle. L No Lumbridge Castle lodestone Lodestone (Lumbridge) location
Burthorpe lodestone icon Burthorpe Centre of Burthorpe, east of Warriors' Guild. B No Burthorpe lodestone location Lodestone (Burthorpe) location
Lunar Isle lodestone icon Lunar Isle South-west of the bank (after Lunar Diplomacy). Alt+L Yes Lunar Isle lodestone location Lodestone (Lunar Isle) location
Bandit Camp lodestone icon Bandit Camp South-east of the Camp, surrounded by mystical mirrors (after Desert Treasure). Alt+B Yes Bandit Camp lodestone location Lodestone (Bandit Camp) location
Taverley lodestone icon Taverley South of POH Portal. T No Taverley lodestone location Lodestone (Taverley) location
Al Kharid lodestone icon Al Kharid North of Al Kharid Palace. A No Al-Kharid lodestone location Lodestone (Al-Kharid) location
Varrock lodestone icon Varrock South gate. V No Varrock lodestone location Lodestone (Varrock) location
Edgeville lodestone icon Edgeville West of the General Store. E No Edgeville lodestone location Lodestone (Edgeville) location
Falador lodestone icon Falador Outside north gate. F No Falador lodestone location Lodestone (Falador) location
Port Sarim lodestone icon Port Sarim South of Gerrant's Fishy Business. P No Port Sarim lodestone location Lodestone (Port Sarim) location
Draynor lodestone icon Draynor Village At the Crossroads, north of Draynor. D No Draynor Village lodestone location Lodestone (Draynor Village) location
Ardougne lodestone icon Ardougne North entrance (between potato and wheat patch). Alt+A Yes Ardougne lodestone location Lodestone (Ardougne) location
Catherby lodestone icon Catherby North of fishing shop. C Yes Catherby lodestone location Lodestone (Catherby) location
Yanille lodestone icon Yanille Outside the west gate. Y Yes Yanille lodestone location Lodestone (Yanille) location
Seers village lodestone icon Seers' Village South of the Forester's Arms  pub. S Yes Seer's Village lodestone location Lodestone (Seers' Village) location
Eagles' Peak lodestone icon Eagles' Peak West of the Tree Gnome Stronghold, near Kathy Corkat. Alt+E Yes Eagles' Peak lodestone location Lodestone (Eagles' Peak) location
Tirannwn lodestone icon Tirannwn In the clearing with the Elf Tracker after starting Regicide. Alt+T Yes Tirannwn lodestone location Lodestone (Tirannwn) location
Oo'glog lodestone icon Oo'glog Outside the north wall of the city, near the Monastery of Ascension. O Yes Oo'glog lodestone location Lodestone (Oo'glog) location
Karamja lodestone icon Karamja Southwest of Brimhaven, near the Brimhaven Dungeon. K Yes Karamja lodestone location Lodestone (Karamja) location
Canifis lodestone icon Canifis Next to Mazchna. Alt+C Yes Canifis lodestone location Lodestone (Canifis) location
Wilderness Volcano lodestone icon Wilderness Volcano South of the volcano, near one of the Wilderness obelisks, in level 15 Wilderness. W No Wilderness Volcano lodestone location Lodestone (Wilderness Volcano) location
Fremennik Province lodestone icon Fremennik Province East of Rellekka. Alt+F Yes Fremennik Province lodestone location Lodestone (Fremennik Province) location
Ashdale lodestone icon Ashdale Southeast of Ashdale Caves Shift+A No Ashdale lodestone location Lodestone (Ashdale) location
Prifddinas lodestone icon Prifddinas The Tower of Voices (after completion of Plague's End) Alt+P Yes Prifddinas lodestone location Lodestone (Prifddinas) location
Menaphos lodestone icon Menaphos The centre of Menaphos (after starting The Jack of Spades) M Yes Menaphos lodestone location Lodestone (Menaphos) location
Teleport to J-Mod lodestone icon JMod event lodestone Varies N/A No N/A N/A
Tuska lodestone icon Tuska[1] Tuska's back T[2] No Tuska lodestone location Lodestone (Tuska) location
N/A Iceberg[3] Iceberg N/A No N/A Lodestone (Iceberg) location
  1. ^ This lodestone was only active during the third World Event, Tuska Comes.
  2. ^ This hotkey was only available when the lodestone network map was zoomed onto Tuska.
  3. ^ This lodestone was only active during the 2015 Christmas Event.


Main article: /Gallery


  • Only 15 lodestones were available at first, but 7 more (Canifis, Eagles' Peak, Fremennik Province, Karamja, Oo'glog, Tirannwn, Wilderness Volcano) were added on 24 June 2013. The Ashdale lodestone was added on 12 May 2014, the Prifddinas lodestone was added on 22 September 2014, and the Menaphos lodestone was added on 5 June 2017, making a total of 25.
  • Each lodestone is detailed with the city crest of the city it's located in. The Home Teleport interface shows these seals as well.
  • Even though the update page said that Edgeville was unlocked by default for players who've completed Desert Treasure, it was actually the desert Bandit Camp that was unlocked.
  • On the Home Teleport interface, the Port Sarim crest is rectangular, however, on the lodestone it is a shield.
  • A lodestone in real life is a natural magnet, generally naturally magnetised iron ore. The lodestones may be called what they are because, like a compass, they help you navigate around the world, or more likely they were associated with the power to attract other objects, before the discovery of magnetism. They were also considered to be strongly linked with magic as a source of power.
  • If taking a drink of water in the desert after selecting the lodestone you wish to teleport to, the animation will have you standing up. The same thing occurs when taking poison damage.
  • Before the lodestone network, home teleport could only bring you to Lumbridge (you could choose Burthorpe as well if you are member), Edgeville or Lunar Isle, depending on the spellbook used.
  • You cannot use a Lodestone teleport from the Fishing Trawler minigame. Also, you cannot teleport when you have not jumped down from the area you stand immediately after completing/leaving a dungeoneering party.
  • During the 2013 Christmas event Up to Snow Good, the Lumbridge Lodestone was made invisible because of the snow that covered Lumbridge. This also allowed the area where the lodestone was located to be walked over instead of around.
  • On 17 February 2014 the Lodestone Network interface was updated. On free to play worlds members only parts of the map were greyed out and lodestone icons replaced with the membership sigil, clicking on which triggers the subscription form. All teleport locations received a description when a player hovers over an icon.
  • On 21 May 2018, the lodestones were graphically reworked.
  • Upon clicking the "Info" option of a J-Mod placed lodestone, it states: This lodestone has been placed by a J-Mod. This means there is an event going on near by. Look out for it.
  • Teleporting to a lodestone via Circus barkers always uses the slow teleport, regardless of the quick teleport setting.