RuneScape Wiki

LootScape is a reward system for players that watch official RuneScape livestreams, which are streamed on Twitch. The first stream that used the system was on 3 October 2017. It is not used during Old School RuneScape livestreams.

To receive a reward, players are required to watch a "LootScape-enabled" livestream with their RuneScape account linked to Twitch for at least one minute. LootScape-enabled streams are indicated during the stream and usually within the stream's title. Rewards are given in a semi-automatic way; Jagex are required to initiate the roll out of the rewards at the end of the stream to everyone that has watched the stream at any point, which can take up to 24 hours.[1] The in-game chat message when a player receives a lootcrate will appear as:

A Twitch Lootcrate has been added to your inventory.

Twitching orb viewer count has been increased. Thank you for watching the stream.

A prerequisite for receiving rewards is for players to link their RuneScape account to Twitch, which can be done through the official website.



Name Type Notes
Twitching orb Twitching orb Pet Received by watching a LootScape stream for the first time.
Twitch loot crate Twitch loot crate Contains various rewards Always received by watching a LootScape stream.

Twitch loot crate rewards[]

Name Type Guaranteed period
Warborn behemoth phase iii icon Warborn behemoth Pet November 2017
Cheer Hunter Head chathead Cheer Hunter Outfit Cosmetic override 19 December 2017
Loots Cape Cosmetic override 28 January - 4 February 2018, 3 June - 1 July 2018
Deep-Sea Fishing Animation 6 February - 4 March 2018
Nature's Balance Cosmetic override 19 April - May 20 2018


These rewards were given instead of or in addition to the Twitch loot crate.

Name Type Guaranteed period
GameBlast 2018 Tunic Cosmetic override 23 February 2018 (during the GameBlast 18 stream)
Sealed clue scroll (master) Sealed clue scroll [notes 1] Item 6 March - 17 April 2018, July 2018
Small parcel Parcel [notes 2] Item 22 May - 2 June 2018
  1. ^ Scaled to your total level: 0-999 = easy, 1000-1499 = medium, 1500-1999 = hard, 2000+ = elite or master. Could be received multiple times - once for every LootScape stream in March 2018.
  2. ^ Small, medium, large, or huge parcel.



  1. ^ LootScape - Support. (Archived from the original on 3 October 2017.)*