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Lord Shadwell was a Lord of the Kinshra who reigned from year 130 of the Fifth Age, eventually succeeding Lord Sanafin Valzin some years after his death.[1]

His only known descendant is Captain Dulcin, who was the overseer of the Black Knights' Fortress until his death.


Reign and Death[]

Shadwell came to power as Kinshra lord in year 130 of the Fifth Age. Due to his Zamorakian alignment and extremist plans to gain supremacy in Asgarnia, his reign as leader became known for its brutality.

Succession and War of 164[]

The following takes place during Betrayal at Falador.

Shadwell's successor, Lord Milton, was hugely unsuccessful, failing both military and politically in resolving the White Knight conflicts. Consequently, Milton was assassinated by his own Commander Sulla. He set the stage for the War of 164 due to the failure of earlier diplomatic attempts by the Kinshra to regain power in Asgarnia. After being defeated at the Siege of Falador, Sulla was forced to flee and was then replaced with Lord Daquarius, an extremely popular officer.


  • During The Death of Chivalry, Sir Owen says that Shadwell founded the Kinshra and that the Black Knights' Fortress was formerly his manor, which would necessitate him being over 160 years old by the time of his death. Mod Stu has confirmed that this is an error and will be removed.[1]


  1. ^ a b Mod Stu. "@Mod Stu, a couple lore fixes." 15 August 2013. RuneScape Lore Discussion Forums.
Preceded by Title Succeeded by
Eventually Lord Valzin Lord of the Kinshra Lord Milton