Good armour, food and weapons for melee and another combat style. In order to save inventory space, the use of hybrid armour may be recommended for mid-to-high-level players, such as Warpriest armour. Alternatively, the use of power armour, tank armour, or items that boost life points in order to increase a player's damage/defence is recommendable.
For this quest, prioritise the use of combat styles and equipment which specialise in long-ranged attack capabilities, or the ability to damage an opponent from a distance. Players may find use of the Ranged combat style to be exceptionally helpful. In addition to the use of Ranged equipment, a Halberd-type weapon may be useful for a Melee style switch -- preferably a Noxious scythe, Attuned crystal halberd, Crystal halberd, or a Dragon halberd. Alternatively, players may also use the Magic combat style, but possibly to a lesser degree of effectiveness than the methods stated above.
During your fights, you will not be allowed to summon a familiar, as the Wise Old Man will be following you.
Go to Draynor Village and talk to the Wise Old Man. (1)…
A woman called Zenevivia wishes to challenge us.
After the cutscene, talk to him outside his house. (1)…
Yes, let's go.
Head to the Rimmington house portal, talk to him again. (~•3)…
[Any option]
How can we get in there?
When he leaves, walk to the house just east of the portal and talk to him once more. (2)…
Yes, I'm ready.
Open the "chipped" teleport to house tablet, solve the puzzle.
Bottom of the puzzle
Top of the puzzle
Zenevivia's house[]
While standing next to the Wise Old Man, break the chipped tablet.
Enter the dungeon. (2)…
Traps? Very dangerous. You go first.
After the cutscene, continue dialogue with the Wise Old Man. (2)…
What are we going to build?
Craft via on the Clockmaker's bench in the workshop room. (1)…
Use the bench again to create a dummy. (1)…
Okay, I'll get on with it.
Enter the dungeon.
During this part, there will be a pulsating purple light around your screen, as seen on the picture, any players sensitive to flashing lights should proceed with caution.
Traverse through the dungeon, deactivating all the traps by walking on them and then return to the surface.
Pit guardian rooms have 2 traps each, except for the scabarite room, having only one.
Climb the staircase. (1)…
Yes, get it out now.
The dungeon pit[]
Enter the dungeon. (1)…
Yes, I'm sure I found them all. Let's enter.
Traverse through the dungeon, killing all the enemies.
Enter the final door, talk to the Wise Old Man. (~•2•4)…
After returning Mabel's ring, Mabel gives a bankable lamp, which grants 10,000 experience in any skill over level 60. Mabel may be found hiding in a sack in the barn where you originally found her.
After the quest, you can talk to the Draynor tree guard at Draynor Village and offer to chop down the tree to help him down; he will then reward you with 5,000 coins.
Adventurers who have completed the quest may wish to travel to Keldagrim to talk to a dwarf called Runvastr, who lives on Keldagrim's east side in the house directly south of the pickaxe shop. If you deliver his diary to the Wise Old Man back in Draynor Village, you’ll earn the ability to chip House teletabs to take you to Trollheim as well.
Music unlocked
Love Story (During the cutscene of the couple's previous love life)