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Lumbridge Fishing Supplies

Lumbridge Fishing Supplies interior

Lumbridge Fishing Supplies exterior
Release date 17 September 2009 (Update)
Members No
Minimap icon Fishing shop map icon
Location Lumbridge
Owner Hank
Specialty Fishing supplies
Hank location
Fishing shop logo

Lumbridge Fishing Supplies is a food shop that sells fishing supplies. It is run by Hank. It is located north of Lumbridge Castle. It is the only fishing store in RuneScape to stock crayfish.


The Battle of Lumbridge[]

The following takes place during Battle of Lumbridge and Lumbridge Rebuildathon.
Lumbridge Fishing Supplies ruined

Hank's shop, ruined after the Battle of Lumbridge.

The shop was damaged greatly during the Battle of Lumbridge when Saradomin and Zamorak returned to Gielinor at the start of the Sixth Age. Hank, the owner, fled his house when he heard a large rumbling, and witnessed his neighbour, Explorer Jack, fleeing from his own house, which then collapsed. Hank then helped Jack to his feet, and his shop soon met the same fate as Jack's house.

Hank considered himself lucky to have survived, and continued to sell fishing supplies that he had obtained from the wreckage. His shop was rebuilt by Foreman George, his crew of builders, and a bunch of adventurers as part of the Lumbridge Rebuildathon.


As of an update on 26 June 2017, this shop will restock at 00:00 UTC, in addition to its normal time based restocking.

Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Small fishing net Small fishing net (Free) 1 0 coins 0 309 309
Crayfish cage Crayfish cage (Free) 1 0 coins 0 283 283
Small fishing net Small fishing net 5 40 coins 12 309 1,345
Fishing rod Fishing rod 10 5 coins 3 523 5,180
Fly fishing rod Fly fishing rod 10 5 coins 3 116 1,110
Crayfish cage Crayfish cage 10 20 coins 6 283 2,630
Fishing bait Fishing bait 1,000 3 coins 1 5 2,000
Feather Feather 1,000 6 coins 3 13 7,000
Raw shrimps Raw shrimps 0 6 coins 2 526 0
Raw sardine Raw sardine 0 10 coins 3 614 0
Raw herring Raw herring 0 16 coins 5 675 0
Raw anchovies Raw anchovies 0 16 coins 5 640 0
Raw trout Raw trout 0 20 coins 6 382 0
Raw pike Raw pike 0 25 coins 8 636 0
Raw salmon Raw salmon 0 92 coins 30 508 0
Raw crayfish Raw crayfish 0 5 coins 1 406 0
Feather pack Feather pack 5 15,000 coins N/A 26,000 55,000


  • A week after the Rebuildathon had ended and the shop had been rebuilt, it reverted to its ruined state due to a bug, although Hank retained his post-repair dialogue. This was fixed with the next update, but the release of Up to Snow Good also returned some rubble to the shop's interior, making the shop inaccessible due to the debris blocking the way to Hank. Additionally, a second Hank had appeared next to the original one.