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This article is about the teleport spell. For the teleport tablet, see Lumbridge teleport.
For the spell requiring no runes, see Home Teleport.
Lumbridge Teleport
Lumbridge Teleport icon
Release date 24 May 2001 (Update)
Members No
Level 31
Spellbook Normal
Type Teleport
Experience 41
Runes 1Law1Earth3Air
Lectern Eagle
Click animation for full size

Lumbridge Teleport teleports the caster to Lumbridge. Unlike the free Home Teleport spell, this is fast and cannot be interrupted by combat, though like most other teleports, it is unusable above level 20 wilderness or when the player is teleblocked by a different player. Players returning to Lumbridge may save runes by using the free teleport instead, if they are not in danger. This spell is used for a Lumbridge/Draynor medium task.

Remember, you cannot use Ancient Magicks or Lunar Spells if you are using regular Magic.


3Air rune1Earth rune1Law rune858
Combo runes
1Law rune3Dust rune3,525
3Air rune1Law rune1Mud rune1,708
3Air rune1Law rune1Lava rune1,806
1Earth rune1Law rune3Smoke rune3,621
1Earth rune1Law rune3Mist rune4,077
1Earth rune1Law runeStaff of air588
3Air rune1Law runeMud battlestaff840
3Air rune1Law runeStaff of earth840
1Law runeElemental battlestaff570
3Air rune1Earth rune0.9Law runeLaw staff801
3Air rune1Law runeMystical staff (75)840
3Air rune1Law runeLava battlestaff840
1Earth rune1Law runeAvernic wandTome of frost588


  • This particular teleport spell is somewhat less popular than the others, as any player can reach Lumbridge through the Home Teleport or by simply allowing themselves to die (unless in the wilderness).