RuneScape Wiki
Lumbridge Teleport
Lumbridge Teleport icon
Release date Unknown edit
Members No
Level 31
Spellbook Normal
Type Unknown edit
Experience 41
Runes 1 Law
3 Air
1 Earth
Lectern Eagle
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For the spell requiring no runes, see Lumbridge Home Teleport.


A player using Lumbridge Teleport.

Lumbridge Teleport teleports the caster to Lumbridge. Unlike the free Lumbridge Home Teleport spell, this is fast and cannot be interrupted by combat, though like most other teleports, it is unusable above level 20 wilderness or when the player is teleblocked by a different player. Players returning to Lumbridge may save runes by using the free teleport instead, if they are not in danger. This spell is used for a Lumbridge/Draynor medium task.

Lumbridge Teleport costs 858 coins for each cast, 588 with an air staff, or 840 with an earth staff.

Remember, you cannot use Ancient Magicks or Lunar Spells if you are using regular Magic.


  • This particular teleport spell is somewhat less popular than the others, as any player can reach Lumbridge through the Lumbridge Home Teleport or by simply allowing themselves to die (Unless of course the player's respawn point is one other than Lumbridge).

Strangely however, this is often one of the most expensive teletab on the Grand Exchange, second only to the Ardougne tab (that requires 2 law runes, and therefore less profit) and the House Tab that requires a Mahogany Eagle Lectern and subsequently, level 67 Construction to build the lectern.

Teleport tablet

The Lumbridge Teleport tablet is an item that can be used by any player to teleport to Lumbridge. Players can create this item on either an Eagle lectern, Teak eagle lectern, or Mahogany eagle lectern as long as they have 1 Law rune, 3 Air runes, 1 Earth rune, and 1 Soft clay and at least level 31 Magic.

This tablet can be made regardless of the player's current spell book.

The player who uses it does not need to have the relevant magic level to use this tablet.

Making Lumbridge teleport tablets is a common way of making money among members. The following table shows the profits made when using no staff, any air rune supplying staff, and any earth rune supplying staff to make a Lumbridge Teleport Tablet.

If one was to make 26 tablets, teleport to Edgeville with a mounted glory, bank, and teleport back to the house in 150 seconds, using an air staff, you would make approximately 81gp, and 7.3066exp a second.

If you were to go from 40 magic to 99, it would roughly take 20 days 14 hours in-game time.

Runes Air Staff Earth Staff
Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins
Teleport Tablet

A player breaking magic tablets to teleport.

See Also:

Calculators/Tablet - profit (or loss) from creating a Magic tablet on a lectern in a Player-owned house.

