If you have the skill requirements and items to do all the tasks, the following is a suggested route:
Note: Fishing and other supplies may be bought at any general store before starting. Pot, ring & holy symbol mould, and essence can be obtained throughout this walkthrough.
Find out about the Rules of Conduct from the Draynor town crier.
Access the bank in Draynor Village.
If you brought clay instead of soft clay, use the water pump south of the potters house to soften it.
Spin one soft clay into a pot on the potter's wheel. Bake the unfired pot in the kiln.
Make 2 clay rings from the remaining soft clay with ring mould and bake them in kiln. Sell one clay ring to Morgan (west of the wheat field, near Ned's house). Keep the other clay ring to be blessed later.
Have the Wise Old Man check your bank and/or inventory for unnecessary quest-related items.
Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope (the telescope is upstairs in his house).
Kill a zombie in the sewers under the Draynor jail. The entrance on the west side of Draynor Village can be used.
Smith a mithril platebody on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers (you will need 5 mithril bars and a hammer, requires Smithing level 68).
Taunt the demon on the 1st2nd floor[UK] of the Wizards' Tower.
Have Sedridor (located on the 2nd3rd floor[UK]) teleport you to the Essence mine. (Optional: if a member, use Amulet of glory to go back to Draynor to continue tasks.)
Mine essence for later use (Runecrafting at the Water Altar).
Collect some grain from the wheat field south of the windmill, west of Fred the Farmer's Farm.
Go inside the windmill, pick up a pot off the table and grind some grain and keep it. (Talk to Millie for help on grinding). (Beginner's tasks should now be completed).
Get Beefy Bill (north of the windmill, near the cow pasture, he has a General Store cart) to bank a flour, cowhide or beef for you (use the flour you just ground).
After completing the Beginner tasks, you can talk to Explorer Jack to obtain an Explorer's ring 1 . (Skip if you have already gotten this)
You must get each ring one after the other. For example, if you complete the Medium tasks first, Ned will refuse to give you the reward until you have completed the Beginner and Easy tasks.