RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the tablet. For the spell, see Lumbridge Teleport.

Lumbridge teleport detail

The Lumbridge teleport tablet is an item that can be used by any player to teleport just north of Lumbridge Castle. Players can create this item on either an Eagle lectern, Teak eagle lectern, or Mahogany eagle lectern as long as they have 1 Law rune, 3 Air runes, 1 Earth rune, and 1 Soft clay and at least level 31 Magic.

The player who uses it does not need to have the relevant Magic level to use this tablet.

Teleport Tablet

A player breaking magic tablets to teleport

The following table shows the profit/loss made when using no staff, any air rune supplying staff, and any earth rune supplying staff to make a Lumbridge Teleport Tablet.

Runes Air Staff Earth Staff
2767 coins 3037 coins 2785 coins


Lumbridge teleport Lumbridge teleport
Magic-Make-X GE icon
41 XP-4,044
Magic Magic level31
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Soft claySoft clay1419419
Law runeLaw rune1570570
Air runeAir rune390270
Earth runeEarth rune11818
Total price1,277

See also[]


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