M. and thok letter (part 2) is a book obtained while training Dungeoneering as a reward for completing a dungeon which appears by the exit door after the boss monster is killed. It can also be obtained as a monster drop from monsters in Daemonheim. It, combined with the other parts of the book, make up the full tale of Marmaros and Thok's adventures throughout Daemonheim. Once the book has been obtained it is impossible to obtain it again. However, it can still be read by talking to the Dungeoneering Tutor to view the Dungeon Journal along with all other texts obtained in Daemonheim.
Little sister,
Hell, I miss you. I know that doesn't sound much like me, but I have good reason. Since we split from the rest of the clan we've been getting by with our plain clothes and fists, but there's been one close call too many. Time has come to arm us, dress us and feed us, and you do that better than any I know.
So I'm scribbling this on an anvil, having made a battleaxe, sword and a couple of platebodies. The workmanship is about the shoddiest I've ever seen, but I get a buzz from looking at them! It's the materials, though, Bryll; there's stuff here that you've never seen: metals strong and completely alien, and strange plants that can be spun to make boots. Since you're what keeps us moving, we've named the boot material after you. I ain't told Thok yet, but he's wearing Marmaros armour; couldn't resist giving my name to the metal.
Your older brothers,
M. and Thok