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RuneScape Wiki
Magic Guild Store - Mystic Robes
Release date 23 October 2002 (Update)
Members Yes
Location Wizards' Guild
Owner Robe Store owner
Specialty Mystic equipment
Robe Store owner location

The Magic Guild Store - Mystic Robes is a shop that sells mystic equipment. It is run by the Robe Store owner. It is located on the first floor of the Wizards' Guild. 66 Magic is required to enter and use this shop.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Mystic hat (blue) Mystic hat (blue) 1 10,000 coins 3,000 10,669 669
Mystic robe top (blue) Mystic robe top (blue) 1 15,000 coins 4,500 15,028 28
Mystic robe bottom (blue) Mystic robe bottom (blue) 1 10,000 coins 3,000 11,463 1,463
Mystic gloves (blue) Mystic gloves (blue) 1 5,000 coins 1,500 6,182 1,182
Mystic boots (blue) Mystic boots (blue) 1 5,000 coins 1,500 6,362 1,362
Mystic shield Mystic shield 1 15,000 coins 4,500 11,175 −3,825
Mystic orb Mystic orb 1 10,000 coins 3,000 15,070 5,070
Mystic wand Mystic wand 1 10,000 coins 3,000 17,882 7,882
Stone of binding Stone of binding 10 500,000 coins 150,000 473,238 −267,620

The magic cape and magic master cape are sold only if the player has respectively 99 and 120 Magic. The magic cape comes with the magic hood.

Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Magic cape Magic cape Infinite 99,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A
Magic hood Magic hood Infinite 99,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A
Magic cape (t) Magic cape (t) Infinite 99,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A
Magic master cape Magic master cape Infinite 120,000 coins N/A Not sold N/A

See also[]
