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Magic shieldbow detail

The magic shieldbow is the second strongest shieldbow that can be fletched. The magic shieldbow requires a Defence level of 50 and Ranged level of 50 or higher to wield. Despite being only a level 50 weapon, even players with higher levels benefit from using this strong weapon due to its properties. It has the same stats and uses as the Magic composite bow, but requires 50 defence.

Like all shieldbows and unlike most other weapons, it incorporates a shield inseparably despite nothing resembling a shield being involved in its creation. Therefore, it provides armour and life point bonuses, and counts as a shield for Defence abilities, such as Rejuvenate. The attack range of the magic shieldbow is 8 spaces.

With level 45 Dungeoneering and 10,000 tokens, a shieldbow sight can be purchased and attached to a magic shieldbow to create a magic shieldbow (sighted), raising its bonuses to those of a level 55 weapon, but it loses the special attack. This also increases the wielding requirements to 55 Ranged and Defence.

Combat Stats
RequirementsMagic shieldbow equipped
50 Ranged 50 Defence
Ranged Ranged2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour170PvM: 5%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Magic shieldbow Magic shieldbow
Fletching-Make-X GE icon
91.5 XP-1,118
Fletching Fletching level85
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Magic shieldbow (u)Magic shieldbow (u)1407407
Total price790

Special attack[]

The magic shieldbow has a special attack called Powershot, which deals damage with increased accuracy, consuming 35% adrenaline.


The magic shieldbow's special attack, Powershot

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Abyssal demon (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Ancient mage (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Ancient ranger (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Ancient warrior (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Automaton (Heart of Gielinor)1151Common
Automaton champion1181Common
Black Knight (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Black Knight champion1151Common
Blood reaver (Heart of Gielinor)1151Common
Bloodveld (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Butcher demon1181Common
Champion of Infernus1191Common
Chaos dwarf (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Fallen champion1191Common
Hellhound (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Mighty Blood reaver1181Common
Nechryael (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Necromancer (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Seren archer1081Common
Seren mage1081Common
Seren warrior1081Common
Shadow demon1181Common
Skeleton (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Wight ranger1081Common
Wolf (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Zamorakian sniper (Heart of Gielinor)1081Common
Unwieldly zombie1111Rare

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?



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  • The magic shieldbow was originally a members-only weapon, but it was made available to free players after the Evolution of Combat.
  • Though the shield appears in the front of the bow when the player is wielding it, the shield will turn to the side when it is on the player's back.
  • The shieldbow is the equivalent to a longbow, now discontinued outside of Daemonheim.