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Magic shops are a type of store throughout Gielinor. The stores are usually represented by a Magic shop map icon icon. Magic shops sell runes, staves, and other items related to Magic. There are 13 Magic shops in RuneScape.


Name Location Seller Requirements
Magic Guild Store - Runes and Staves

Magic Guild Store - Mystic Robes

Yanille lodestone icon Yanille (Wizards' Guild) Magic Store owner

Robe Store owner

Magic 66
Carwen Essencebinder Magical Runes Shop Burthorpe lodestone icon Burthorpe Apprentice Clara None
Betty's Magic Emporium Port Sarim lodestone icon Port Sarim Betty None
Void Knight Magic Store Void Knights' Outpost Void Knight Squire None (travel from Port Sarim)
Aubury's Rune Shop Varrock lodestone icon Varrock Aubury None
Ali's Rune Shop Al Kharid lodestone icon Al Kharid Ali Morrisane Rogue Trader miniquest
Battle Runes Southern Wilderness mining site Mage of Zamorak (Wilderness north of Edgeville) Abyss miniquest
Baba Yaga's Magic Shop Lunar Isle lodestone icon Lunar Isle Baba Yaga Lunar Diplomacy (partial, completion required for Astral runes)
Lundail's Arena-side Rune Shop Mage Arena icon Mage Arena (deep Wilderness) Lundail None
Tutab's Magical Market Ape Atoll Tutab Monkey Madness
Mage Training Arena Mg magetraining Mage Training Arena Rewards Guardian Sells runes for Pizazz points
TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store TzHaar City TzHaar-Mej-Roh Sells runes for Tokkul 25 Tokkul