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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Mahjarrat Memories.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon Talk to Kharshai under Thorvald the Warrior's house.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyNone
Official lengthVery, Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Missing Presumed Death is only a requirement for one of the memories, so it is possible to start the miniquest without it.
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.


Enemies to defeat
  • None


Items recommended: Rellekka tablet
  • Speak to Kharshai, located under the helmet shop in Rellekka. Agree to help him.
  • Return to a bank with the engrammeter. Fill it with 500 divine memories. Return to Kharshai (Chat 1) and operate the charged engrammeter.
  • Use Kharshai's memory on Kharshai. He will absorb it and transcribe it into a book for you.
  • Return to your bank, deposit the book and recharge the engrammeter with another 500 divine memories.

You must visit Kharshai after finding each memory. The engrammeter cannot be recharged with another 500 divine memories until the previous Mahjarrat memory has been transcribed into a book.

Finding the memories[]

  • Wahisietel: Go to Nardah. Go to the house of Ali the Wise, north of the Elidinis temple, and use the charged engrammeter there.
  • Azzanadra: Go to Jaldraocht pyramid. Use the engrammeter in the altar room.
  • Enakhra: Travel to Enakhra's temple. Use the engrammeter in the central room.
  • Akthanakos: Travel to Enakhra's temple. Use the ladder in the central room, go through the magic barrier and up the ladder. Use the engrammeter in the first chamber.
  • Bilrach: Go to Daemonheim. Use the engrammeter next to the banker.
  • Hazeel: Go south of Ardougne. Go into the dungeon east of the clock tower. Take the raft to the Hazeel Cult headquarters. Use the engrammeter.
  • Lucien: Go to Varrock. Go to Lucien's house, west of the Grand Exchange. Use the engrammeter inside.
  • Zemouregal: Make sure you have a summoned macaw and are wearing insulated boots. Go to Varrock. Go to Hartwin in Varrock Castle, on the 2nd3rd floor[UK] of the north-west tower. Ask him to lead you to the chaos temple.
    • Go down the trapdoor, and follow the corridors full of armoured zombies.
    • Ignore the human detector corridor; squeeze through the pipe in the next room. Follow the passage around to another pipe.
    • Try to go through it. Then right-click on the summoned macaw and remote view.
    • Go into the south room in the corridor, use the engrammeter.
  • Sliske: You do not need to go to where Brother Samwell is, just use the invitation box to be teleported to the Empyrean Citadel. Use the engrammeter in the podium/throne room.
  • Mizzarch: Go to the Digsite. Go down into the Senntisten Temple (west winch). Use the engrammeter in the altar room.
  • Jhallan: Go to the Tale of the Muspah cave (above the entrance to Keldagrim). Cross the river, enter the large cave, cross the bridge, use the engrammeter on the central island.
  • Palkeera: Go to the ritual plateau. Use the engrammeter next to the ritual marker.
  • Lamistard: Go to the ritual plateau. Go west to Zemouregal's fortress. Use the engrammeter inside. Of the large front door, only the left half isn't locked.
  • Ralvash: Go to Ghorrock. Go into the fortress courtyard and use the engrammeter.
  • Take the final memory to Kharshai, receive your reward.
  • Quest complete!