RuneScape Wiki
Make Leather
Make Leather icon
Release date 4 April 2011 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 83
Spellbook Lunar
Type Skilling
Experience 87
Runes 2Astral2Body2Fire
Quest Lunar Diplomacy
Lectern None
Make leather
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Make Leather is a lunar spell unlocked by training at the Livid Farm. It costs 250,000 produce points to unlock (roughly 11 hours of Livid Farm). When used it tans 5 hides of any kind. This a great way to make money while training magic, although the time and effort required to unlock the spell may seem unappealing to some. Using Make Leather, a player can easily gain over 75,000 Magic experience, and make significant profit depending on the cost of the hides that they are tanning, as it is possible to cast the spell 850 – 900 times per hour. However, other methods that require a similar magic level are faster experience (such as String Jewellery).

The Make Leather spell cannot be used to turn yak-hides into cured yak-hides.

With the use of the spell Borrowed Power or Spellbook Swap (for High Level Alchemy) one can stay at the dragons for as long as desired and train the Crafting skill.


2Body rune2Fire rune2Astral rune1,244
Combo runes
2Body rune2Astral rune2Lava rune2,858
2Body rune2Astral rune2Smoke rune2,948
2Body rune2Astral rune2Steam rune2,924
2Body rune2Astral runeStaff of fire926
2Body rune2Astral runeSteam battlestaff926
2Body rune2Astral runeElemental battlestaff926
2Body rune2Astral runeMystical staff (75)926
2Body rune2Astral runeLava battlestaff926

Money making using Make Leather[]

Make leather money making guides
Method Profit Skill Experience

Cost analysis[]

Assuming a fire staff is used.

Hide Cost Leather Cost Make Leather profit (per 5) Normal tanning profit (per 5)
Cowhide Cowhide 547 Leather Leather 672 −301 625
Cowhide Cowhide 547 Hard leather Hard leather 670 −311 600
Snake hide Snake hide (Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup) 9,648 Snakeskin Snakeskin 4,919 −24,571 −23,720
Snake hide (swamp) Snake hide (Temple Trekking) 6,782 Snakeskin Snakeskin 4,919 −10,241 −9,415
Green dragonhide Green dragonhide 1,698 Green dragon leather Green dragon leather 1,909 129 955
Blue dragonhide Blue dragonhide 2,496 Blue dragon leather Blue dragon leather 2,644 −186 640
Red dragonhide Red dragonhide 2,864 Red dragon leather Red dragon leather 3,150 504 1,330
Black dragonhide Black dragonhide 3,482 Black dragon leather Black dragon leather 3,815 739 1,565
Royal dragonhide Royal dragonhide 4,332 Royal dragon leather Royal dragon leather 4,809 1,459 2,285