All Life points: 50
Life points1: 50
All Life points: 100
Life points2: 100
All Life points: 150
Life points3: 150
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 24.9
Combat experience1: 24.9
All Combat experience: 24.9
Combat experience2: 24.9
All Combat experience: 25.5
Combat experience3: 25.5
All Release date: 4 January 2001
Release date: 4 January 2001
All Combat level: 1
Combat level1: 1
All Combat level: 2
Combat level2: 2
All Combat level: 4
Combat level3: 4
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 3915
NPC ID1: 3915
All NPC ID: 351
NPC ID2: 351
All NPC ID: 1
NPC ID3: 1
Men are citizens of Gielinor found all over the world, usually in towns. From a gameplay perspective, they are very similar to women, the only major differences being their appearance and name. They can be attacked, talked to, and pickpocketed.
Men and Women can be used to start Thieving by pickpocketing them at level 1. Each successful pickpocket gives 8 Thieving experience and 3 coins. Unsuccessful attempts result in a 5-second stun and 10 life points being taken. After the Lost Her Marbles caper from the Thieves' Guild, a successful pickpocket gives 20 coins. A higher agility and thieving level grants the player potential to increase the coin reward for pickpocketing man up to quadruple. This requires level 31 thieving aswell as level 21 agility.
This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page. Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.
If you contact one with NPC Contact, the man will mention he is using the toilet. This is the third NPC to be using a toilet. The others are Traitorous Ali and Hallak, the water spirit.