A maple evil tree can be found in any of 28 locations while playing the Distractions and Diversions game Evil Tree. At first, the tree starts out as a sapling, and players have the option of nurturing it if they have level 22 Farming or better, providing Farming experience. Next, the sapling will grow into an Evil Tree, and player need 45 Woodcutting to hack at it and 45 Firemaking to set it on fire with Evil tree kindling. Inspecting the tree will tell players how much health the tree has remaining, and what percent of the total possible rewards has been earned. Once defeated, the player is rewarded with several maple logs, coins, and bird's nests depending on how much the player contributed to killing the tree.
- When the tree is still a sapling, Farming experience can be gained for nurturing it. Each stage of growth will grant 121 Farming experience. No items are required to do so.
- When the tree is fully grown, chopping at the roots earns 11 Woodcutting experience and chopping the tree earns 56 Woodcutting experience.
- When a root vanishes, the player gains Evil tree kindlings, which can be used on the tree to set fire to a part of the tree. This grants 675 Firemaking experience for each of the eight positions that can be lit for a potential total of 5400 Firemaking experience per evil maple tree.
The Ring of fire and Flame gloves give no additional experience, and the Inferno adze will not automatically light any kindling received. You cannot use skill boosts, such as a beaver to cut this tree. You must actually have level 45 in woodcutting.
Evil Tree Experience Nurturing Firemaking Chopping roots Chopping tree Maple 121 675 11.1 55.8
- Experience (Farming, Firemaking or Woodcutting)
- Maple logs (noted)
- Level 1 clue scrolls
- Nests/Acorns/willow, yew and magic seed
- Tooth/Loop half of a key
- After the tree has been killed, the Leprechaun will bank any additional logs cut for up to 18 minutes. ( after you have a full inventory)
- Coins
- Key tokens