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Maple shortbow (u) detail

A Maple shortbow (u) is cut from maple logs at level 50 Fletching, granting 50 experience. An unstrung maple shortbow can be strung using a bowstring at 50 fletching, granting an additional 50 experience for a total of 100 for a single bow. The unstrung bow then becomes a maple shortbow.

It takes 15 seconds to string an inventory of 14 shortbows. With banking time, this means players can potentially string 3 inventories a minute, which is 180 inventories an hour, for 2,520 bows in total. This means that the experience gained per hour is roughly 126,000 Fletching experience.


Maple shortbow (u) Maple shortbow (u)
Fletching-Make-X GE icon
50 XP-149
Fletching Fletching level50
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Maple logsMaple logs1108108

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Lesser reborn ranger681Uncommon


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