A Master cape of Accomplishment (more commonly known as a master skillcape among players) is a cape that symbolises reaching level 120 in a skill, at 104,273,167 experience (80,618,654 experience for Elite skills). With the exception of Dungeoneering, Invention, Archaeology and Slayer, this is a virtual level, and the skill itself will remain at 99. The Master Capes of Accomplishment share the same stats and emotes as their 99 counterparts.
These Capes of Accomplishment cost 120,000 coins, and are obtainable from the same NPCs as the regular skillcapes. The NPC is located in a place related to his/her skill. These capes can only be bought and equipped on a members' server, but once equipped they may be worn on non-members servers (minus the stat adjustments, emote of that cape CAN also be performed). However, if the cape represents a member's skill and is keepsaked, it will not appear on non-members servers saying you no longer have the requirements to wear it.
All master skillcapes inherit the perks of their respective level 99 skillcapes, and the Master Quest Cape inherits the perk of the (plain) Quest Cape. Currently, only four master skillcapes provide further perks. Those are the Dungeoneering, Invention, Slayer, and Quest Master skillcapes. These three skills are also the only three skills whose level caps are greater than 99.
Equipment bonuses[]
All Master capes of Accomplishment provide the same stat bonuses.
Requirements | |||||||||||
120 of the respective skill | |||||||||||
Class | Slot | ||||||||||
All | |||||||||||
Tier | |||||||||||
75 | |||||||||||
Weapons | Main | Off | |||||||||
Damage | - | - | |||||||||
Accuracy | - | - | |||||||||
Style | - | ||||||||||
Range | - | ||||||||||
Attributes | Damage reduction | ||||||||||
Armour | 33 | PvM: 0% | PvP: 0% | ||||||||
Life points | 0 | Style bonuses | |||||||||
Prayer | 2 | 21 | 21 | 21 | |||||||
[FAQ] • [doc] |
Each cape comes with a special emote that can only be performed while wearing the master cape. The emotes are meant to represent the cape's respective skills. This emote is the same one as used on the master cape's respective skillcape, with the exception of the Dungeoneering and Slayer master cape, which have a unique emote[1].
List of Capes of Accomplishment[]
Skill Skillcape Image Location Seller Perk of base cape New Perk # of 120s[2] Agility master cape Brimhaven Agility Arena Cap'n Izzy No-Beard The base cape's perk means the player no longer fails any Agility obstacle, except the Agility Pyramid sliding block. 2,707 Attack master cape Warriors' Guild Ajjat The base cape's perk gives a 2% chance for degradable items not to degrade (this does not apply to augmented items, except those that degrade to dust). 9,876 Constitution master cape Duel Arena Surgeon General Tafani The base cape's perk doubles base life point regeneration to 0.2% every 6 seconds, which heals during combat and stacks with Fortitude. 19,308 Construction master cape Varrock, Falador, Seers' Village, Ardougne Any Estate agent The base cape's perk has a chance to save planks in the player's own house. 2,254 Cooking master cape Cooks' Guild Head chef The base cape's perk prevents all food from burning while cooking, making it superior to the Cooking Gauntlets. 4,947 Crafting master cape Crafting Guild Master Crafter The base cape's perk provides unlimited thread and removes the need for thread when crafting leathers, and provides a chance to cut all gems in the player's inventory at once. 2,671 Defence master cape Lumbridge Harlan The base cape's perk provides the effects of a sign of life/portent of life while they are not on cooldown and, unlike them, it is not destroyed upon activation. 19,175 Divination master cape South of Draynor Village Orla Fairweather The base cape's perk gives non-enriched wisps a fixed 30 second lifespan when harvested from unless combined with the Ethereal Connection buff from the Memorial to Guthix which boosts the duration further by 10 seconds to a total of 40 seconds. 3,118 Dungeoneering master cape South of Daemonheim Thok, Master of Dungeoneering The base cape's perk provides unlimited teleports to any available resource dungeon. The cape gains a new perk that gives a chance to choose the boss faced on a floor, increases the chance of lore drops inside Daemonheim and elite dungeons, and allows the cape to be worn inside Daemonheim. (The ability to wear the cape inside Daemonheim does not extend to the Max cape or Completionist cape). 36,923 Farming master cape Draynor Village Martin the Master Gardener The base cape's perk provides a chance to instantly harvest all remaining resources from a crop (stacks with juju farming potion and greenfinger auras), and notes the harvested crops automatically. 4,219 Firemaking master cape Forest south of Seers' Village Ignatius Vulcan The base cape's perk acts as a light source and gives better rewards from fire spirits. 8,739 Fishing master cape Fishing Guild Master fisher The base cape's perk provides a chance to gain an additional catch. No experience is given for the additional catch. 8,402 Fletching master cape Catherby Hickton The base cape's perk provides a chance to make extra bolts, arrows, and darts. 3,666 Herblore master cape Taverley Kaqemeex The base cape's perk instantly cleans all grimy herbs in your inventory. No experience will be gained for doing this. 5,102 Hunter master cape Feldip Hills Hunting expert The base cape's perk increases the effective range of traps by two squares. 3,808 Invention master cape Invention Guild Doc The base cape's perk provides a 2% charge drain reduction, which stacks multiplicatively with other reductions. The cape gains a new perk that increases the chance of receiving uncommon and rare components when disassembling by 20%[3]. 44,082 Magic master cape Wizards' Guild Robe Store Owner The base cape's perk provides the ability to change your spellbook at banks, which is the same as an unlimited book switcher. 16,544 Mining master cape Mining Guild (Falador entrance) Dwarf (at guild entrance) The base cape's perk provides an invisible +2 Mining levels. 8,463 Prayer master cape Monastery of Saradomin Brother Jered The base cape's perk provides the effect of having two lit incense burners without having to light them, when offering bones on an altar in a player-owned house, and also acts like a first age cape if the player owns one. 3,915 Ranging master cape Ranging Guild Armour salesman The base cape's perk provides the ability of an Ava's device to automatically pick up fired ammunition in combat and place it back into the quiver. This effect only works when the cape is equipped. See Ava's attractor for more details. The cape will not provide any of the other uses of an Ava's device. 15,362 Runecraft master cape Runecrafting Guild Larriar The base cape's perk reveals the third random rune slot for the Rune Goldberg Machine when activated. 2,380 Slayer master cape Kuradal's Dungeon Kuradal The base cape's perk provides the ability to teleport to available Slayer Masters. The cape gains a new perk that gives a 20% chance to choose what a new task will be from a Slayer master. 17,883 Smithing master cape Mudskipper Point Thurgo The base cape's perk provides the effect of having the goldsmith gauntlets equipped, which increase experience for smithing gold bars to 56.2. 6,792 Strength master cape Warriors' Guild Sloane/Yadech Strongarm The base cape's perk causes Dismember's damage over time to last an extra 2 seconds (an extra 3 hits for a total of 8). 8,744 Summoning master cape Taverley Pikkupstix The base cape's perk provides a 2% chance to not consume a charm when infusing Summoning pouches, which stacks with spirit gems and the modified shaman's headdress. 7,520 Thieving master cape Rogues' Den Martin Thwait The base cape's perk notes all Thieving loot, and acts like an Ardougne cloak if the player owns one. 12,696 Woodcutting master cape Forest north of Falador Wilfred The base cape's perk provides an increased chance of receiving a bird's nest or crystal geode. 3,674 Master quest cape Varrock Museum ground floor Curator Haig Halen The base cape's perk adds 30 seconds onto the player's Tears of Guthix time. The cape gains a new perk that brings together a variety of lore-related teleports into one item. N/A