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Master corruption aura detail

Master corruption is a tier 3 aura that can be bought from the Loyalty Programme Shop for 30,500 Membership Loyalty Points. When using this aura, 7% of your prayer points will be restored per 500 Prayer experience gained, and it will also increase Prayer experience by 2%. Unlike most other functional auras, master corruption has a cosmetic effect that gives players red wings on their back. Master corruption also gives players glowing eyes similar to blazing gaze. The experience-boosting effect does not work for the Ectofuntus or prayer urns, but it does work for using bones on the gilded altar.

It is activated for 1 hour and has a cooldown time of 3 hours. Also, as with all auras, if the account using it is logged out while the aura is activated, the timer will continue to run out.

The standard corruption and greater corruption auras are required before buying this aura. Hence the cumulative price is 5,000 + 12,000 + 30,500 = 47,500 Loyalty points. It can be upgraded to Supreme corruption for another 63,500 Loyalty points.

Tier Loyalty point cost
Individual Cumulative
1 Corruption aura Corruption aura 5,000 5,000
2 Greater corruption aura Greater corruption aura 12,000 17,000
3 Master corruption aura Master corruption aura 30,500 47,500
4 Supreme corruption aura Supreme corruption aura 63,500 111,000
Combat Stats
RequirementsMaster corruption aura equipped
NoneAura slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses