A meat pie is a pie that requires two bites to be fully consumed, thus giving players a bit more health than other foods. Eating a meat pie produces a half a meat pie, and each half heals 250 life points. Cooking a meat pie yields 110 cooking experience, or 140 if cooking the meat yourself.
Meat pies can be obtained from looting implings, as drop from a Lumbridge guard behind Lumbridge Castle, or bought at the Forester's Arms (a pub located in Seers' Village) for 16 coins by talking to the bartender. Half a meat pie can sometimes be found inside barrels. Upon completing the quest Let Them Eat Pie, the player receives 5 meat pies as a reward.
To make pie, players need to mix flour and water together to make some pastry dough. Players then need to use the dough with a pie dish. Then, the player can put in extra ingredients to make them heal more, such as meat to make a meat pie. When they are finished putting in the ingredients, the pie can then be baked either on a range or using the lunar spell Bake Pie. Any meat, regardless of the beast it came from, will make a meat pie. You need a cooking level of 20 to make a meat pie, but it would be best to wait until level 32 cooking as you can then access the cooking guild, where you can cook these much more efficiently.
It was one of the three foods from the Sandwich lady that could be obtained outside of the random event (the others being chocolate bars and triangle sandwiches).