/** * Highlighted usernames * * Instructions: * The order that names appear on this list determine which title takes precedence. * A user will be marked by the last entry in this list, no matter how many entries they have. * * An account will be marked with the last designation on this list that they are a: * - Regular bots * - Irregular bots * * Regular bots have been approved for use by the community with consensus through Forum:Yew Grove * Irregular bots are usually AWB but may also run other scripts on an irregular basis * * Try to keep these lists alphabetised instead of adding to the end. * Add comments for the unencoded name for accounts with url encoded characters, for example: %C9%98 -> ɘ */ // regular bots a[href="/wiki/User:Cresbot"], a[href="/wiki/User:TyBot"], // global bots, see Help:Welcome tool for tasks a[href="/wiki/User:Abuse_filter"], a[href="/wiki/User:FANDOM"], a[href="/wiki/User:FANDOMbot"], a[href="/wiki/User:Fandom"], a[href="/wiki/User:FandomBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:Wikia"], a[href="/wiki/User:WikiaBot"] { color: #f80 !important; } // irregular bots a[href="/wiki/User:AvocadoBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:Botsey"], a[href="/wiki/User:BrenBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:C%C3%A5mdroid"], // Cåmdroid a[href="/wiki/User:CapitalWillowBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:CookBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:Gaz_Bot"], a[href="/wiki/User:Iiii_I_I_I%27s_sockpuppet"], a[href="/wiki/User:JaydenBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:MAGE-BOT-R"], a[href="/wiki/User:MuudyBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:PiscinePanzer"], a[href="/wiki/User:ScuzzBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:SparkyKittyBot"], a[href="/wiki/User:Trahaearn_automaton"] { color: #a400a4 !important; }