RuneScape Wiki
Hatchet head (dragon)
Medium parcel was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Medium parcel detail

Medium parcel is an item received from Postie Pete by talking to him in Burthorpe during the Parcels from the Hedge event. When opened, a postage stamp and one of the rewards listed below is obtained, and the parcel is destroyed. It is possible to receive multiple parcels; it is not required to open up the same or different tier to obtain more parcels from skilling or combat.

When gotten, the following message is seen: Mail delivered! You receive:Medium parcel


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Postage stampsPostage stamps1AlwaysNot sold
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone(noted)Uncommon24,154
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Uncommon11,538
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Uncommon11,053
Prismatic large fallen starPrismatic large fallen star1UncommonNot sold
Large prismatic lampLarge prismatic lamp1UncommonNot sold
Silverhawk downSilverhawk down100RareNot sold
Tight springTight spring100RareNot sold
Treasure map (Buried Treasure)Treasure map (Buried Treasure)1Rare16,333
D&D token (daily)D&D token (daily)1UncommonNot sold
D&D token (weekly)D&D token (weekly)1UncommonNot sold
D&D token (monthly)D&D token (monthly)1RareNot sold
Coins 10000Coins20,000; 50,000Common20,000–50,000
Dragon bonesDragon bones10 (noted)Uncommon21,360
Dragon longswordDragon longsword1Uncommon56,212
Off-hand dragon longswordOff-hand dragon longsword1Uncommon55,396
Dragon maceDragon mace1Uncommon28,487
Off-hand dragon maceOff-hand dragon mace1Uncommon28,329
Dragon helmDragon helm1Uncommon58,601
Dragon spearDragon spear1Uncommon35,861
Ring of medium parcelRing of medium parcel1RareNot sold

