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Meerkat chathead

Meerkats are level 4 Summoning familiars used in Treasure Trails.


Meerkats pouch[]


A meerkats pouch is received as a reward from a Treasure Trail and may not be made by players. It can be obtained from completing a clue scroll of any level and requires a Summoning level of 4 to summon, expending 1 Summoning point. As this pouch cannot be created by players, it cannot be exchanged for shards from Bogrog.

Fetch casket scroll[]

Fetch Casket

Meerkats, performing the 'dig' action.


The fetch casket scroll is the associated special move scroll for the meerkats familiar. The scrolls may only be obtained as a reward item from a Treasure Trail and cannot be made by using a meerkats pouch on an obelisk. Activating a scroll triggers the "Fetch Casket" special move: the meerkats will dig for a coordinate, compass, or scan clue without causing a Saradomin, Guthix, or Zamorak wizard to appear.



  • Meerkats are the only Summoning familiars that are summoned in pairs or multiples.