RuneScape Wiki
Snowman (traditional) chathead
Mince pie only appears during certain events and may not be currently found in game.

Mince pie detail

Mince pies were a possible reward from trading in a sapphire blue present or an Emerald green present (or both to obtain 15 at once). A Sapphire Blue or an Emerald green present stands to give only five Mince Pies. To get the full 15, a player must either buy or obtain an Emerald and Sapphire present. Together they can give you 15 mince pies. They also heal 1000 life points.

All the remaining mince pies were removed from the game at some point in 2017.

A mince pie can also be obtained from a festive box that is earned by opening a clue casket on 23 to 25 December 2016. These were brought back at the end of 2017 as well.

  • Sapphire blue present OR Emerald green present = 5 Mince pie
  • Sapphire blue present + Emerald green present = 15 Mince pie
  • Sapphire blue present + Emerald green present + Ruby red present = Festive mistletoe
  • Sapphire blue present + Emerald green present + Ruby red present + Diamond white present = Christmas pudding amulet
  • Sapphire blue present + Emerald green present + Ruby red present + Diamond white present + Dragonstone purple present = Christmas tree hat

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Festive box (elite)N/A2–4Common