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Mining hood detail
Mining hood chathead

The Mining hood is the skillcape hood associated with having achieved skill mastery in the Mining skill. Players may buy the hood alongside the Mining cape from the Dwarf at the Falador entrance to the Mining Guild for 99,000 coins, provided that they have level 99 Mining.

The hood is of a solid greyish-brown, regardless of the number of skills in which the player has attained skill mastery. This is in contrast to the cape which receives a light blue trim on the sides the moment players reach level 99 in a different skill.

While the hood is bought with the skillcape, it is not needed to perform the emote associated with it; the skillcape is the only essential item. Along with the cape, the hood may be stored in the Cape rack of a player-owned house. Should players lose the hood, they may purchase it, along with the skillcape, from the Dwarf (Mining Guild) for an additional 99,000 coins. The hood itself provides absolutely no offensive or defensive bonuses and may be worn for purely aesthetic purposes.

Combat Stats
RequirementsMining hood equipped
99 Mining
NoneHead slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

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  • Currently, 132,412 people are able to own this hood (as seen on the highscores).