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Modified farmer's hat detail
Modified farmer's hat chathead (male)
Modified farmer's hat chathead (female)

The modified farmer's hat is made by using a farmer's hat on a farmer's hat add-on.

In addition to granting a 1% Farming experience bonus, players can also receive two bird's nests a day or four if they have four or more pieces of the farmer's outfit; the nests yield a random allotment seed or evil turnip seed drop. Players can also teleport to the Morytania allotment patch three times a day, or to Taverley if they do not have access to Morytania. When the hat is worn, there is a 2% chance of saving seeds when sowing.

Combat Stats
Modified farmer's hat equippedModified farmer's hat (female) equipped
NoneHead slotDefenceArmour0
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Style-Style bonuses