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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Revolution AADPT/data/doc


    slice = {
		name = 'slice',     -- name
		cooldown = 5,       -- cooldown in ticks
		duration = 3,       -- duration in ticks; defaults to 3
		damage = 1.1        -- damage as numbers, quoted from the ability desc (don't *0.6)
		dmg = 0.7,          -- override for average damage as numbers, usually the quoted max in the desc * 0.6
		stundur = 0,        -- stun duration in ticks; default 0
		stundamage = nil,   -- damage done if target is stunned; as with damage; default to damage
		stundmg = nil,      -- damage done if target is stunned; as with dmg; default to damage
		shared = '',        -- id of shared cooldown group
		damagetype = '',    -- type of damage dealt, e.g. bleed, combo; can be used to remove certain types of attacks
		next_abil_mult = 1.05, -- the multiplier that the next ability gets
	damage value used is dmg if present, or damage*0.6 if not
	stundamage value used is whichever of these are present, in this order of precedence: stundmg, stundamage*0.6, dmg, damage*0.6
return {
    slice = {
        name = 'Slice',
		cooldown = 5,
		dmg = (0.3+1.2)/2,
		stundmg = (0.8+1.46)/2,
    havoc = {
		name = 'Havoc',
		cooldown = 17,
		damage = 1.57,
    backhand = {
		name = 'Backhand',
		cooldown = 25,
		damage = 1,
		stundur = 5,
		shared = 'basicstuns',
		damagetype = 'stun',
    smash = {
		name = 'Smash',
		cooldown = 17,
		damage = 1.57,
    barge = {
		name = 'Barge',
		cooldown = 34,
		damage = 1.25,
    sever = {
		name = 'Sever',
		cooldown = 25,
		damage = 1.88,
    kick = {
		name = 'Kick',
		cooldown = 25,
		damage = 1,
		stundur = 5,
		shared = 'basicstuns',
		damagetype = 'stun',
    punish = {
		name = 'Punish',
		cooldown = 5,
		damage = 0.94,
		stundamage = 1.88,
    dismember = {
		name = 'Dismember',
		cooldown = 25,
		dmg = 1.205957, --100/188 chance of hitting 100%, 88/188 chance of hitting 100-188% => 120.6% average
	    damagetype = 'bleed',
    fury = {
		name = 'Fury',
		cooldown = 9,
		duration = 6,
		damage = (0.75+0.82+0.89),
		damagetype = 'combo',
    cleave = {
		name = 'Cleave',
		cooldown = 12,
		damage = 1.88,
		damagetype = 'multitarget',
    decimate = {
		name = 'Decimate',
		cooldown = 12,
		damage = 1.88,
    wrack = {
		name = 'Wrack',
		cooldown = 5,
		damage = 0.94,
		stundamage = 1.88,
    wrack_ice = {
		name = 'Wrack',
		cooldown = 5,
		damage = 1.25,
    ['dragon breath'] = {
		name = 'Dragon Breath',
		cooldown = 17,
		damage = 1.88,
    ['sonic wave'] = {
		name = 'Sonic Wave',
		cooldown = 9,
		damage = 1.57,
    impact = {
		name = 'Impact',
		cooldown = 25,
		damage = 1,
		stundur = 5,
		shared = 'basicstuns',
		damagetype = 'stun',
    ['concentrated blast']	= {
		name = 'Concentrated Blast',
		cooldown = 9,
		duration = 6,
		damage = (0.75+0.82+0.89),
		damagetype = 'combo',
    combust = {
		name = 'Combust',
		cooldown = 25,
		dmg = 1.205957, --100/188 chance of hitting 100%, 88/188 chance of hitting 100-188% => 120.6% average
		shared = 'basicbleeds',
	    damagetype = 'bleed',
    chain = {
		name = 'Chain',
		cooldown = 17,
		damage = 1,
		damagetype = 'multitarget',
    ['corruption shot'] = {
		name = 'Corruption Shot',
		cooldown = 25,
		dmg = 2,
	    damagetype = 'multitarget,bleed',
    ['piercing shot'] = {
		name = 'Piercing Shot',
		cooldown = 5,
		damage = 0.94,
		stundamage = 1.88,
    snipe = {
		name = 'Snipe',
		cooldown = 17,
		duration = 6,
		dmg = 1.72, --(125+219)/2
		damagetype = 'combo',
    ['dazing shot'] = {
		name = 'Dazing Shot',
		cooldown = 9,
		damage = 1.57,
    ['binding shot'] = {
		name = 'Binding Shot',
		cooldown = 25,
		damage = 1,
		stundur = 5,
		shared = 'basicstuns',
		damagetype = 'stun',
    ['needle strike'] = {
		name = 'Needle Strike',
		cooldown = 9,
		damage = 1.57,
		next_abil_mult = 1.05,--account for 5% buff of next ability
    ['fragmentation shot'] = {
		name = 'Fragmentation Shot',
		cooldown = 25,
		dmg = 1.205957, --100/188 chance of hitting 100%, 88/188 chance of hitting 100-188% => 120.6% average
		shared = 'basicbleeds',
	    damagetype = 'bleed',
    ricochet = {
		name = 'Ricochet',
		cooldown = 17,
		damage = 1,
		damagetype = 'multitarget',
    ['corruption blast'] = {
		name = 'Corruption Blast',
		cooldown = 25,
		dmg = 2,
	    damagetype = 'multitarget,bleed',
    anticipation = {
		name = 'Anticipation',
		cooldown = 40,
		damage = 0,
    freedom = {
		name = 'Freedom',
		cooldown = 50,
		damage = 0,
	bash = {
	    name = 'Bash',
	    cooldown = 25,
	    damage = (864 + 247 + 451 + 99)/(864 + 247),
        -- tier 90 + 99 stats: 864 mh weapon ability damage + 247 from 99 strength + 451 shield armour value + 99 from 99 defence
        -- normal ability damage: 864 + 247
	bash_defender = {
	    name = 'Bash',
	    cooldown = 25,
	    damage = (864 + 245 + 247 + 216 + 99)/(864 + 245 + 247),
        --  tier 90 + 99 stats: 864 mh weapon ability damage + 245 defender ability damage + 247 from 99 strength + 216 defender armour value + 99 from 99 defence
        -- normal ability damage: 864 + 245 + 247
    sacrifice = {
		name = 'Sacrifice',
		cooldown = 50,
		damage = 1,
	tuska_slayer = {
		name = "Tuska's Wrath",
		cooldown = 200,
		dmg = 5.94, -- 9900 (damage at 99 slayer) / 1666 (tier 90 2h/dual weapon damage) to make a mock ability damage percentage
	tuska_noslayer = {
		name = "Tuska's Wrath",
		cooldown = 25,
		dmg = 0.7, --higher than expected minimum (like slice)
	--lists of abilities which share cooldowns, with an id as used in the ability definitions
	--currently here for validation, may be used in future
	cooldowngroups = {
		basicstuns = {'kick','backhand','impact','binding shot'},
		basicbleeds = {'combust','fragmentation shot'}, --not dismember