RuneScape Wiki
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
Line 843: Line 843:
--images = peLink(ourIcon, mw.text.split(, "<")[1], ourTitle, T.iconSize)
--images = peLink(ourIcon, mw.text.split(, "<")[1], ourTitle, T.iconSize)
--images = imageLink{file=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],image=ourIcon}
images = imageLink{file=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],image=ourIcon}
images = peLink(ourIcon, mw.text.split(, "<")[1], ourTitle)
--images = peLink(ourIcon, mw.text.split(, "<")[1], ourTitle)
Line 868: Line 868:
if params.ext then ext = params.ext end
if params.ext then ext = params.ext end
-- param.iconSize sets icon size if using a non-icon sized image.
-- param.iconSize sets icon size if using a non-icon sized image.
-- Replace this if you'd like to set all images to the same size (eg: 30px) without all the extra coding
if params.alt then
if params.alt then
Line 941: Line 940:
-- This is a simplified implementation of Template:Plink
-- This is a simplified implementation of Template:Plink
-- Needs an image-only return value
function pLink(a)
function pLink(a)
return "[[File:" .. a .. ".png|link=" .. a .. "]]&nbsp;[[" .. a .. "|" .. a .. "]]"
return "[[File:" .. a .. ".png|link=" .. a .. "]]&nbsp;[[" .. a .. "|" .. a .. "]]"
Line 946: Line 946:
-- An extended implementation of pLink
-- An extended implementation of pLink
-- Needs an image-only return value
function peLink(file, link, title)
function peLink(file, link, title)
return "[[File:" .. file .. ".png|link=" .. link .. "]]&nbsp;[[" .. link .. "|" .. title .. "]]"
return "[[File:" .. file .. ".png|link=" .. link .. "]]&nbsp;[[" .. link .. "|" .. title .. "]]"

Revision as of 21:58, 6 May 2018

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Skill calc/eltGenerator/doc

-- <pre>
local commas        = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local tables        = require('Module:Tables')
local coins         = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local currency      = require('Module:Currency')._amount
local numbers       = require('Module:Number')._round

local eltData = {}

        Note: Once all existing calculators have been converted, this Module will be cleaned
              up to remove any spaghetti code.

Generates a No profit, Purely Loss skill table
skills: Construction, Firemaking, Prayer
    v           data from caller
    unitExp     experience per iteration
    needed      required iterations for goal
    fileName    page location
    cost        cost per iteration
    args        additional parameters from caller
    Table of data using proper elts based on skill
function eltData.generate_NoProfitLoss(frame)
    local T           = frame.args[1]
    local unitExp     = frame.args[2]
    local needed      = frame.args[3]
    local fileName    = frame.args[4]
    local cost        = frame.args[5]
    local eltArgs     = frame.args[6]
    local productCost = frame.args[7]
    local currLv      = frame.args[8]
    local memb        = '<sub title="Members only" style="cursor:help; margin-left:3px;">(m)</sub>'
    local images, links

    -- Set default currency settings, then determine if alternative used
    local dispCurr = "int"
    local dispCurr2 = "int"
    if T.currency then dispCurr = T.currency end
    if T.currency2 then dispCurr2 = T.currency2 end

    -- Check for multiple images
    -- This occurs when multiple materials are required
    if T.multi then
        images  = 
                    imageLink{file=mw.text.split(T.multi[1], "<")[1],image=T.multi[1]},
                    imageLink{file=mw.text.split(T.multi[2], "<")[1],image=T.multi[2]}
        links   =
                    '[[' .. mw.text.split(T.multi[1], "<")[1] .. ']]',
                    '[[' .. mw.text.split(T.multi[2], "<")[1] .. ']]'
    -- Single images only at then
        -- Set the image location
        -- Default with using our page for the icon
        local ourIcon = mw.text.split(fileName, "<")[1]

        -- Check for flatpacks and adjust
        if eltArgs.disp == "Flatpacks" then ourIcon = ourIcon .. " (flatpack)" end

        -- Check if we specified an image location and make adjustments
        if T.image then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.image, "<")[1] end
        if T.icon then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.icon, "<")[1] end

        -- Check if the icon has been modified
        if T.iconSize then
            images = imageLink{file=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],image=ourIcon,iconSize=T.iconSize}
            images = imageLink{file=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],image=ourIcon}

        -- Set the item's [link]
        -- Default with using the item's name
        local ourTitle = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]

        -- Check if we specified a page location
        if T.title then ourTitle = T.title end

        links  = '[[' .. mw.text.split(, "<")[1] .. '|' .. ourTitle .. ']]'

    -- Set non-link text, if any
    if T.sLink then links = T.sLink .. " " .. links end
    if T.eLink then links = links .. " " .. T.eLink end

    -- Check for Members only
    if T.mem == 1  then links = links .. memb end

    -- Start here and build the elt down through conditionals
    elts =

    -- Prayer needs an override since it is missing parts
    if eltArgs.skill == "Prayer" then
        table.insert(elts, 3, commas(unitExp, 1))
        table.insert(elts, 4, commas(needed))
        table.insert(elts, 5, coins(cost * needed))
        if not (eltArgs.disp == "Urns") then
            table.insert(elts, 6, coins(string.format("%.2f", (cost / unitExp), 1))) end
        table.insert(elts, 3, numbers(T.level)) -- T.level should be present for all of these

        if eltArgs.disp == "Rooms" then
            table.insert(elts, 4, coins(T.coins))
            --table.insert(elts, 4, printCoins(unitExp, "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 4, commas(unitExp, 1))
            if (eltArgs.skill == "Construction" and eltArgs.disp == "Milestones") then
                if T.coins then
                        table.insert(elts, 5, 
                    "<div style='text-align:center'>" .. coins(T.coins) .. "</div>")
                    table.insert(elts, 5, "<div style='text-align:center'>-</div>")
                table.insert(elts, 5, commas(needed))
                if not (eltArgs.disp == "Char") then
                    if not (T.currency2 == nil) and T.material2 then
                        table.insert(elts, 6, 
                        "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. createList(T.material,needed) .. "<br />"
                        .. createList(T.material2,needed) .. "</div>")
                        table.insert(elts, 6, 
                            "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. createList(T.material,needed) .. "</div>")
                    if eltArgs.skill == "Magic" then
                        table.insert(elts, 7, coins(cost*needed))
                        if (eltArgs.skill == "Firemaking" and eltArgs.disp == "Daemonheim") then
                            cost = productCost
                        if not (eltArgs.skill == "Firemaking" and
                            (eltArgs.disp == "Barbarian" or eltArgs.disp == "Other")) then
                            table.insert(elts, 7, printCoins(cost, dispCurr, currLv, T.level))
                            table.insert(elts, 8, printCoins(cost * needed, dispCurr, currLv, T.level))
                            if not (cost == 0 and unitExp == 0) then -- if not (NaN)
                                table.insert(elts, 9, printCoins(cost / unitExp, dispCurr .. "-dec", currLv, T.level))
                            else                table.insert(elts, 9, "-") end
                    end -- Skill == Magic
            end -- Skill == Milestones or Skill ~= Milestones
        end -- Disp ~= Rooms

        -- Check for flatpack exception
        -- Add bench image
        if eltArgs.disp == "Flatpacks" then
            table.insert(elts, 3, 
                    file=mw.text.split(T.bench, "<")[1],
                    image=mw.text.split(T.bench, "<")[1],
    return elts
end -- generate_NoProfitLoss

Generates a No Profit, No Loss skill table
skills: Agility, Slayer, Thieving
    T           Data being processed from 'Module:Skill calc/' .. args.skill .. '/data'
    unitExp     Generated unit exp including bonuses
    needed      Required iterations for goal
    eltArgs     Data from the calculator
        ext         Image/Icon extension
        icon        File name of icon
    currLv      Current level (converted from XP, if necessary)
    Table of data using proper elts based on skill
function eltData.generate_NoProfitNoLoss(frame)
    local T         = frame.args[1]
    local unitExp   = frame.args[2]
    local needed    = frame.args[3]
    local fileName  = frame.args[4] --##To be removed (as per Module:Skill_calc)
    local eltArgs   = frame.args[5]
    local icon      = frame.args[6] --##To be removed (as per Module:Skill_calc)
    local ext       = frame.args[7] --##To be removed (as per Module:Skill_calc)
    local currLv    = frame.args[8]
    local images, links

    -- Can be used with all other skills (may require testing first, though)
    images, links = setImgLnk(T, eltArgs)

    elts =

    if eltArgs.skill == "Slayer" then
        if eltArgs.disp == "Assignments" or eltArgs.disp == "Monsters" then
            table.insert(elts, 4, T.level2)
            table.insert(elts, 5, commas(numbers(unitExp,1)))
            if eltArgs.disp == "Assignments" then
                local modStrat = ""
                table.insert(elts, 6, printCoins(needed, "num", currLv, T.level2))
                if T.noStrat == nil then        modStrat = "[[" .. .. "/Strategies|Strategy]]"
                elseif (T.noStrat == 1) then    modStrat = "[[" .. .. T.strat .. "]]"
                elseif (T.noStrat == 2) then    modStrat = "[[" .. T.strat .. "]]" end
                table.insert(elts, 7, modStrat)
    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Agility" then
        if not (eltArgs.disp == "Milestones" or eltArgs.disp == "Multiples" 
            or eltArgs.disp == "Other") then
            table.insert(elts, 4, commas(numbers(unitExp,1)))
            table.insert(elts, 5, printCoins(needed, "num", currLv, T.level))
        table.insert(elts, 4, commas(numbers(unitExp,1)))
        table.insert(elts, 5, printCoins(needed, "num", currLv, T.level))
    return elts
end -- generate_NoProfitNoLoss

Generates a potential Profit, potential Loss skill table
skills: Fletching, Cooking, Farming, Smithing, Herblore, Summoning
    T           Data being processed from 'Module:Skill calc/' .. args.skill .. '/data'
--  unitExp     experience per iteration
--  needed      required iterations for goal
--  fileName    page location
--  rawCost     ingredient cost per iteration
--  productCost product value per iteration
--  args        additional parameters from caller
    Table of data using proper elts based on skill
function eltData.generate_ProfitLoss(frame)
    local T             = frame.args[1]
    local unitExp       = frame.args[2]
    local needed        = frame.args[3]
    local fileName      = frame.args[4]
    local rawCost       = frame.args[5]
    local eltArgs       = frame.args[6]
    local productCost   = frame.args[7]
    local currLv        = frame.args[8]
    local images, links

    -- If alternative currencies are used, the Grand Exchange will not have information
    local materials = ""
    if not (T.currency == nil) and T.material then
        materials = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. expandedList(T.material,needed) .. "</div>"
    elseif T.material then
        materials = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. createList(T.material,needed) .. "</div>"
    elseif T.familiar then
        local altTitle = mw.text.split(T.familiar, "<")[1]
        if T.familiarTitle then altTitle = mw.text.split(T.familiarTitle, "<")[1] end

        materials = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. 
                        peLink(mw.text.split(T.familiarIcon, "<")[1], mw.text.split(T.familiar, "<")[1], altTitle) .. 

    -- Set default currency settings, then determine if alternative used
    local displayCurrency = "int"
    if T.currency then
        displayCurrency = T.currency end

    -- Check for multiple images
    -- This occurs when multiple materials are required
    if T.multi then
        images  = 
                    imageLink{file=mw.text.split(T.multi[1], "<")[1],image=T.multi[1]},
                    imageLink{file=mw.text.split(T.multi[2], "<")[1],image=T.multi[2]}
        links   =
                    '[[' .. mw.text.split(T.multi[1], "<")[1] .. ']]',
                    '[[' .. mw.text.split(T.multi[2], "<")[1] .. ']]'

    -- Single images only at then
        -- Set the image location
        -- Default with using our page for the icon
        local ourIcon = mw.text.split(fileName, "<")[1]

        -- Check for farming and make adjustments for seed icons
        if eltArgs.skill == "Farming" then 
            if T.seed then 
                ourIcon = mw.text.split(, "<")[1] ..  "_" .. mw.text.split(T.seed, "<")[1] 

        -- Check if an image location was specified
        if T.image then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.image, "<")[1] end
        if T.icon then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.icon, "<")[1] end

        images = imageLink{file = mw.text.split(, "<")[1], image = ourIcon}

        -- Set the item's [link]
        -- Default with using the item's name
        local ourTitle = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]

        -- Check if we specified a page location
        if T.title then ourTitle = T.title end

        links  = '[[' .. mw.text.split(, "<")[1] .. '|' .. ourTitle .. ']]'

    elts =
        commas(unitExp, 1),

    if eltArgs.disp == "Forging" then
        table.insert(elts, 6, printCoins(productCost * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
        table.insert(elts, 7, printCoins(productCost / unitExp, "dec", currLv, T.level))
    elseif eltArgs.disp == "Pets" then
        local foodList = ""
        elts =

        if == nil and T.multif == nil then       foodList = "<div style='text-align:center'>none</div>"
        elseif T.multif then                            foodList = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. T.multif[1] .. 
                                                            "<br/>" .. T.multif[2] .. "</div>"
        else                                            foodList = "[[" .. .. "]]"
        table.insert(elts, 4, foodList)
        table.insert(elts, 6, materials)

        if not (string.find(eltArgs.disp,"Dungeoneering - ")) then
            table.insert(elts, 7, printCoins(rawCost * needed, displayCurrency, currLv, T.level))

            if not (eltArgs.skill == "Farming") then
                table.insert(elts, 8, printCoins(productCost * needed, displayCurrency, currLv, T.level))
                table.insert(elts, 9, printCoins((productCost - rawCost) * needed, displayCurrency, currLv, T.level))

                if T.currency then
                    table.insert(elts, 10, 
                        printCoins((productCost - rawCost) / unitExp, T.currency .. "-dec", currLv, T.level))
                    table.insert(elts, 10, printCoins((productCost - rawCost) / unitExp, "dec", currLv, T.level))

        if T.charm then
            table.insert(elts, 3, imageLink{file = mw.text.split(T.charm .. " charm", "<")[1], image = mw.text.split(T.charm .. " charm", "<")[1]})
    return elts
end -- generate_ProfitLoss

Generates a Purely Profit, No Loss skill table
    Divination, Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, Runecrafting, Hunter
    T           Data being processed from 'Module:Skill calc/' .. args.skill .. '/data'
    unitExp     Generated unit exp including bonuses
    needed      Required iterations for goal
    ext         Image/Icon extension
    icon        File name of icon
    altName     Page name
    Table of data using proper elts based on skill
function eltData.generate_ProfitNoLoss(frame)
    local T          = frame.args[1]
    local unitExp    = frame.args[2]
    local needed     = frame.args[3]
    local fileName   = frame.args[4]
    local rawCost    = frame.args[5]
    local eltArgs    = frame.args[6]
    local icon       = frame.args[7]
    local ext        = frame.args[8]
    local income     = frame.args[9]
    local remaining  = frame.args[10]
    local currLv     = frame.args[11]
    local memb      = '<sub title="Members only" style="cursor:help; margin-left:3px;">(m)</sub>'
    local images, links

    -- Default with using item's name for the icon
    local ourIcon = mw.text.split(fileName, "<")[1]
    -- Check if an icon image was specified
    if T.icon then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.icon, "<")[1] end
    -- Hunter is a little different
    if eltArgs.skill == "Hunter" then
        if T.title and 
           not T.icon  then 
               ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.title, "<")[1] 

    -- Set the item's [link]
    -- Default with using the item's name
    local ourLink       = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]
    local ourTitle      = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]
    local equipmentLink = ""
    local ourIconSize      = 0

    -- Check if a page location was specified
    if then ourLink = mw.text.split(, "<")[1] end
    -- Check if a title was specified
    if T.title then ourTitle = mw.text.split(T.title, "<")[1] end

    if then
        equipmentLink = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]
        -- Check if an equipment link was specified
        if T.eLink then equipmentLink = mw.text.split(T.eLink, "<")[1] end

    if T.iconSize then ourIconSize = T.iconSize end

    -- Set the actual icon image
    images = imageLink{file = ourLink, image = ourIcon, iconSize = ourIconSize}

    links  = '[[' .. ourLink .. '|' .. ourTitle .. ']]'

    -- Set non-link text, if any
    if T.sLink then links = T.sLink .. " " .. links end
    if T.eLink then links = links .. " " .. T.eLink end

    -- Check for Members only
    if T.mem == 1  then links = links .. memb end

    -- Check if there are materials and create a list
    local materialList = "-"
    if T.material then
        materialList = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. createList(T.material,needed) .. "</div>"

    -- Put it all together
    if eltArgs.disp == "Urns" then
        elts =
                printCoins((rawCost * needed), "int", currLv, T.level)
    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Fishing" then
        elts =
                image=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],

        if not (eltArgs.disp == "Dungeoneering") then
            table.insert(elts, 8, printCoins(income * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 9, printCoins(rawCost * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 10, printCoins((income - rawCost) * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
    -- This section also accounts for base rune production multipliers
    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Runecrafting" then
        elts = 

        if eltArgs.disp == "Tiaras" then
            table.insert(elts, 3, materialList)
            table.insert(elts, 4, commas(unitExp,1))
            table.insert(elts, 5, commas(needed))
            table.insert(elts, 6, printCoins(rawCost * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 7, printCoins((income * needed), "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 8, printCoins((income - rawCost ) * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
        elseif eltArgs.disp == "Runespan - Free" or eltArgs.disp == "Runespan - Members" then
            table.insert(elts, 4, commas(unitExp,1))
            table.insert(elts, 5, commas(needed))
            table.insert(elts, 4, materialList)
            table.insert(elts, 5, commas(unitExp,1))
            table.insert(elts, 6, commas(needed))
            table.insert(elts, 7, printCoins(rawCost * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 8, printCoins(
                    (income * needed) * levelMultiplier(ourIcon, tonumber(eltArgs.current)), "int", currLv, T.level))
            table.insert(elts, 9, printCoins(
                    ((income * levelMultiplier(ourIcon, tonumber(eltArgs.current))) - rawCost ) 
                        * needed, "int", currLv, T.level))
    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Divination" then
        -- These allow for Cursed modification (tiered experience)
        local modifyExp    = 1
        local modifyNeeded = needed

        if == "Cursed wisp" or == "Cursed memory" then 
            modifyExp    = levelMultiplier(, tonumber(eltArgs.current))
            modifyNeeded = tonumber(math.ceil(remaining / (unitExp * modifyExp)))
        elseif eltArgs.disp == "Boons" or T.boon == 1 then
            modifyNeeded = 1
        --materialList needs to be recalculated with new value
        materialList = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. createList(T.material,modifyNeeded) .. "</div>"

        elts =

        if not (eltArgs.disp == "Other") then
            table.insert(elts, 4, commas(unitExp * modifyExp, 1))
            if eltArgs.disp == "Harvest" or eltArgs.disp == "Gathering" then
                table.insert(elts, 5, commas(modifyNeeded, 1))
                table.insert(elts, 6, printCoins((income * levelMultiplier(ourIcon, tonumber(eltArgs.current))) 
                    * modifyNeeded, "int", currLv, T.level))
                local targetElt = 4
                if not (eltArgs.disp == "Boons") then
                    targetElt = targetElt + 1
                    if T.boon == 1 then         table.insert(elts, targetElt, "<div style='text-align:center'>-</div>")
                    else                        table.insert(elts, targetElt, commas(modifyNeeded, 1)) end
                table.insert(elts, (targetElt + 1), materialList)
                if not (eltArgs.disp == "Dungeoneering") then
                    table.insert(elts, (targetElt + 2), printCoins((0 - rawCost) * modifyNeeded, "int", currLv, T.level))
        elts =

        if not (eltArgs.disp == "Dungeoneering" or 
          (eltArgs.skill == "Woodcutting" and eltArgs.disp == "Other") or (eltArgs.skill == "Hunter")) then
            table.insert(elts, 6, printCoins(income * needed, "int", currLv, T.level)) end

        if eltArgs.skill == "Hunter" then
            local targetElt = 6

            if (eltArgs.disp == "Nets and Sprites" or
               eltArgs.disp == "Deadfall and Pitfall" or
               eltArgs.disp == "Box Trapping") then
                if T.bait then
                    table.insert(elts, targetElt, pLink(T.bait))
                    table.insert(elts, targetElt, "-")

                targetElt = targetElt + 1

            if T.product then
                local currency = "Coins"
                if T.currency then currency = T.currency end
                    table.insert(elts, targetElt, inlineProfit(income, needed, T.product, currency))
                table.insert(elts, targetElt, "-")
    return elts
end -- generate_ProfitNoLoss

-------- Contemplating a global generator ------------

function eltData.generate_elts(frame)
    -- Don't worry about this function. I will be working on this over time to see if 
    -- everything can be generalized and merged into a single function and remain clear to remove repeated code
    -- Descriptive names make it more readily understandable

    local membersOnly = '<sub title="Members only" style="cursor:help; margin-left:3px;">(m)</sub>' -- May be implemented differently

    -- These variables will always be passed through the initial call, even if they are not used
    -- (nil will be passed instead). Trying to use T and eltArgs more in code.
    local T                 = frame.args[1]     -- Individual item data
    local eltArgs           = frame.args[2]     -- Calculator data
    local actionExp         = frame.args[3]     -- Individual item experience with bonuses
    local actionsRequired   = frame.args[4]     -- Calculated iterations using actionExp
    local expRequired       = frame.args[5]     -- User experience data
    local rawCost           = frame.args[6]     -- Cost of materials
    local productCost       = frame.args[7]     -- Income from actions
    local eltTitles         = frame.args[8]     -- Array of elt titles

    local currentLevel      = tonumber(eltArgs.current)

    local imageExtension = ".png"
    if T.ext then imageExtension = T.ext end

    --- Begin overrides from skill data ---

    ------ Handle icons ------

        local icon =
        -- Check for specified icon
        if T.icon ~= nil then icon = T.icon end
        -- Check for flatpacks and adjust
        if eltArgs.disp == "Flatpacks" then icon = icon .. " (flatpack)" end
        -- Check for farming and make adjustments for seed icons
        if eltArgs.skill == "Farming" then 
            if T.seed ~= nil then 
                icon = ..  "_" .. T.seed

    ------ Handle title & link ------

        local link =
        local linkTitle =
        -- Check if a title was specified
        if T.title ~= nil then linkTitle = T.title end
        -- Setup titled link
        link  = '[[' .. .. '|' .. linkTitle .. ']]'
        -- If specified, append additional wiki-links
        if T.extLink ~= nil then link = link .. " " .. T.extLink end -- (eg [[Voice of Seren]])
        -- Check for Members only
        if T.members == 1  then link = link .. membersOnly end

    -- Set the actual icon image
    icon = imageLink{file = link, image = icon}

    ------ Handle materials ------

        local materials, familiar, equipment = ""
        local currency = "coins"
        -- If alternative currencies are used, the Grand Exchange will not have information
        if not (T.currency == nil) and T.material then
            materials = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. expandedList(T.material,actionsRequired) .. "</div>"
        elseif T.material ~= nil then
            materials = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. createList(T.material,actionsRequired) .. "</div>"
        elseif T.familiar ~= nil then
            local familiar = mw.text.split(T.familiar, "<")[1]
            if T.familiarTitle ~= nil then familiar = mw.text.split(T.familiarTitle, "<")[1] end

            materials = "<div style='text-align:left'>" .. 
                            peLink(T.familiarIcon, mw.text.split(T.familiar, "<")[1], altTitle) .. 

        -- Set default currency settings, then determine if alternative used
        if T.currency ~= nil then currency = T.currency end

        -- Mostly for Fishing 
        if ~= nil then
            local equipmentLink = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]
            -- Check if an equipment link was specified
            if T.eLink ~= nil then equipmentLink = T.eLink end

            equipment = imageLink{
                            image=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],

    ---- End overrides from skill data ----

    --- Begin data calculations ---

    local grossIncome, grossCost, netIncome = 0
    local avgNet, avgCost = 0
    local modifiedExp = 1   -- default value
    local modifiedNeeded = actionsRequired   -- default value

    if eltArgs.skill == "Runecrafting" and
       eltArgs.disp == "Runes" then

        grossIncome = (income * actionsRequired) * levelMultiplier(, currentLevel)
        netIncome   = ((income * levelMultiplier(, currentLevel)) - rawCost ) * actionsRequired

    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Divination" and                
   == "Cursed wisp" or == "Cursed memory" then

            modifiedExp = levelMultiplier(, currentLevel)
            modifiedNeeded = tonumber(math.ceil(actionsRequired / (actionExp * modifiedExp)))

        if rawCost ~= nil then
            grossCost = rawCost * actionsRequired end

        if productCost ~= nil then
            grossIncome = productCost * actionsRequired end

        if (rawCost ~= nil and productCost ~= nil) then
            netIncome = (productCost - rawCost) * actionsRequired 
        elseif rawCost ~= nil and rawCost ~= 0 then
            netIncome = 0 - grossCost -- Force a negative; may not be needed
        elseif productCost ~= nil and grossIncome ~= 0 then
            netIncome = grossIncome

        avgNet = netIncome / actionsRequired
        avgCost = netIncome / actionExp


    ---- End data calculations ----

    ---- Begin elt construction ---

    local generatedValues = 
                icon            = icon,
                link            = link,
                level           = T.level,
                actionExp       = actionExp,
                actionsRequired = commas(actionsRequired),
                netIncome       = printCoins(netIncome, "int"),
                materials       = materials,
                rawCost         = printCoins(rawCost, "int"),
                avgCost         = printCoins(avgCost, "dec"),
                grossCost       = printCoins(grossCost, "int"),
                grossIncome     = printCoins(grossIncome, "int"),

    local elts = {}

    -- I think this is going to be the cleanest method of the ones we've tried.
    -- Not sure about performance-wise, since every item calls another round of
    --  looping through titles.
    for i, title in ipairs(eltTitles) do
        findEltData(title, generatedValues, elts)

    -- These are special cases not worth including in the helper function
    if eltArgs.skill == "Summoning" and 
        eltArgs.disp ~= "Scrolls" then
        local charm = imageLink{
                        file = T.charm .. " charm", 
                        image = T.charm .. " charm"}
        table.insert(elts, charm, 3)                    -- Include summoning charms required
    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Fishing" then
        table.insert(elts, equipment, 3)                -- Include necessary equipment
    elseif eltArgs.skill == "Hunter" then
        local targetElt = 6
        if (eltArgs.disp == "Nets and Sprites" or
           eltArgs.disp == "Deadfall and Pitfall" or
           eltArgs.disp == "Box Trapping") then
            if T.bait then
                table.insert(elts, targetElt, pLink(T.bait))    -- Include necessary bait
                table.insert(elts, targetElt, "-")              -- No bait necessary
            targetElt = targetElt + 1 

        if T.product then
            local currency = "Coins"
            if T.currency then currency = T.currency end
                table.insert(elts, targetElt, inlineProfit(income, needed, T.product, currency))    -- Income
            table.insert(elts, targetElt, "-")  -- Nothing can be sold


    ----- End elt construction ----

    return elts

-------- Helper Functions ------------

-- This function is used to set the images and links for all skills (eventually)
function setImgLnk(T, eltArgs)
    local memb      = '<sub title="Members only" style="cursor:help; margin-left:3px;">(m)</sub>'
    local single    = '<sub title="Can only be killed once" style="cursor:help; margin-left:3px;">(s)</sub>'
    local links, images

    -- Check for multiple images
    -- This occurs when multiple materials are required
    if T.multi then
        images  = 
                    imageLink{file=mw.text.split(T.multi[1], "<")[1],image=T.multi[1]},
                    imageLink{file=mw.text.split(T.multi[2], "<")[1],image=T.multi[2]}
        links   =
                    '[[' .. mw.text.split(T.multi[1], "<")[1] .. ']]',
                    '[[' .. mw.text.split(T.multi[2], "<")[1] .. ']]'
    -- Single images only at then
        -- Set the image location
        -- Default with using our page for the icon
        local ourIcon = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]

        -- Check for farming and make adjustments for seed icons
        if eltArgs.skill == "Farming" then 
            if T.seed then 
                ourIcon = mw.text.split(, "<")[1] ..  "_" .. mw.text.split(T.seed, "<")[1] 

        -- Check for flatpacks and adjust
        if eltArgs.disp == "Flatpacks" then ourIcon = ourIcon .. " (flatpack)" end

        -- Check if we specified an image location and make adjustments
        if T.image then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.image, "<")[1] end
        if T.icon then ourIcon = mw.text.split(T.icon, "<")[1] end

        -- Set the item's [link]
        -- Default with using the item's name
        local ourTitle = mw.text.split(, "<")[1]

        -- Check if we specified a page location
        if T.title then ourTitle = T.title end

        -- Check if the icon has been modified
        if T.iconSize then
            images = imageLink{file=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],image=ourIcon,iconSize=T.iconSize}
            --images = peLink(ourIcon, mw.text.split(, "<")[1], ourTitle, T.iconSize)
            images = imageLink{file=mw.text.split(, "<")[1],image=ourIcon}
            --images = peLink(ourIcon, mw.text.split(, "<")[1], ourTitle)

        links  = '[[' .. mw.text.split(, "<")[1] .. '|' .. ourTitle .. ']]'

    -- Add any non-linking text
    if T.sLink then links = T.sLink .. " " .. links end
    if T.eLink then links = links .. " " .. T.eLink end

    -- Check for Members only, one time kill (Assignments)
    if T.mem == 1    then links = links .. memb end
    if T.single == 1 then links = links .. single end

    return images, links

-- ##Antiquated; needs to be phased out for pLink or peLink
function imageLink(params)
    local ext = ".png"
    local iconSize = nil
    if params.iconSize and params.iconSize > 0 then iconSize = params.iconSize end
    if params.ext then ext = params.ext end
    -- param.iconSize sets icon size if using a non-icon sized image.

    if params.alt then
        if params.image == "Bench with lathe" then
            return '[[File:Bench with lathe icon' .. ext .. '|link=' .. params.file .. '|' .. params.file .. ']]'
        elseif (iconSize) then
            return '[[File:' .. params.image .. ext .. '|' .. iconSize .. '|link=' .. params.file .. '|' .. params.alt .. ']]'
            return '[[File:' .. params.image .. ext .. '|link=' .. params.file .. '|' .. params.alt .. ']]'
    elseif not (iconSize == nil) then
        return '[[File:' .. params.image .. ext .. '|' .. iconSize .. 'px|link=' .. params.file .. '|' .. params.file .. ']]'
        return '[[File:' .. params.image .. ext .. '|link=' .. params.file .. '|' .. params.file .. ']]'
end -- imageLink

function createList(mess,a)
    local sentence = ""
    if not (mess == nil) then
        for i, v in ipairs(mess) do
            if (i%2) > 0 then
                if type(v) == "number" then
                    sentence = "" .. sentence .. " " .. commas( v * a ) 
                    sentence = "" .. sentence .. " " .. v
                if i == table.getn(mess) then
                    sentence = sentence .. " " .. pLink(v)
                    sentence = sentence .. " " .. pLink(v) .. "<br />"
        sentence = "-"

    return sentence
end -- createList

-- This function is used for alternative currencies
-- ##Antiquated; should be phased out for mw.text.split usage
function expandedList(mess, a)
    local sentence = ""
    local follower = 0
    for i, v in ipairs(mess) do
        if type(v) == "number" then
            if follower == 0 then
                sentence = "" .. sentence .. " " .. commas( v * a ) 
                follower = 1
            else follower = 0 end
            local parts = explode(",", v)
            local image = v
            local link = v
            if table.getn(parts) > 1 then
                image = parts[1]
                link = parts[2] end
            if i == table.getn(mess) then
                sentence = sentence .. " " .. peLink(image,link,link)
                sentence = sentence .. " " .. peLink(image,link,link) .. "<br />"

    return sentence

-- This is a simplified implementation of Template:Plink
-- Needs an image-only return value
function pLink(a)
    return "[[File:" .. a .. ".png|link=" .. a .. "]]&nbsp;[[" .. a .. "|" .. a .. "]]"
end -- plink

-- An extended implementation of pLink
-- Needs an image-only return value
function peLink(file, link, title)
    return "[[File:" .. file .. ".png|link=" .. link .. "]]&nbsp;[[" .. link .. "|" .. title .. "]]"
end -- pelink
function explain(message)
    local ret = mw.html.create('span'):css({['color'] = "#15f", ['border-bottom'] = "dotted 1px black", ['cursor'] = 'help'}):attr("title", message):wikitext("?")
    return "[" .. tostring(ret) .. "]"
end -- explain

-- This takes the amount of coins needed to display in table, 
--   but filters out 0s to make untradeables look better.
-- This function utilizes Module:Currency for alternative currency handling
function printCoins(amount, category, currLv, reqLv)
    --currLv = current level, reqLv = required level
    -- This will hide both zero-values and anything over the current level
    if currLv == nil then currLv = 0 end
    if reqLv  == nil then reqLv  = 0 end

    if currLv >= reqLv and amount ~= 0 then
        if category == "dec" then               return coins(string.format("%.2f", amount, 1))
        elseif category == "int" then           return coins(amount, 1)
        elseif category == "int-dec" then       return coins(string.format("%.2f", amount, 1))
        elseif category == "chimes-dec" then    return currency(string.format("%.2f", amount, 1), "chimes")
        elseif category == "chimes" then        return currency(amount, "chimes")
        elseif category == "rusty-dec" then     return currency(string.format("%.2f", amount, 1), "rusty")
        elseif category == "rusty" then         return currency(amount, "rusty")
        elseif category == "num" then           return commas(amount)
        elseif category == "cwts" then          return currency(amount, "cwts")
        elseif category == "cwts-dec" then      return currency(string.format("%.2f", amount, 1), "cwts")
        elseif category == "cwtg" then          return currency(amount, "cwtg")
        elseif category == "cwtg-dec" then      return currency(string.format("%.2f", amount, 1), "cwtg")
    else                                        return "<div style='text-align:center'>-</div>"

--[[ levelMultiplier function
--      input:
--              item    :: key being searched
--              level   :: subject's relevant level
--      output:
--              Returns a base multiplier to modify experience or production levels depending
--               on the item being searched. Most items refer to multiple rune production,
--               but 'cursed' versions within divination give tiered experience.
function levelMultiplier(item, level)
    local ret = 1

    if item == "Air rune" then
        if     level >= 99 then ret = 10 
        elseif level >= 88 then ret = 9
        elseif level >= 77 then ret = 8
        elseif level >= 66 then ret = 7
        elseif level >= 55 then ret = 6
        elseif level >= 44 then ret = 5
        elseif level >= 33 then ret = 4
        elseif level >= 22 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 11 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Mind rune" then
        if     level >= 112 then ret = 9
        elseif level >= 98 then ret = 8
        elseif level >= 84 then ret = 7
        elseif level >= 70 then ret = 6
        elseif level >= 56 then ret = 5
        elseif level >= 42 then ret = 4
        elseif level >= 28 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 14 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Water rune" then
        if     level >= 114 then ret = 7
        elseif level >= 95 then ret = 6
        elseif level >= 76 then ret = 5
        elseif level >= 57 then ret = 4
        elseif level >= 38 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 19 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Earth rune" then
        if     level >= 104 then ret = 5
        elseif level >= 78 then ret = 4
        elseif level >= 52 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 26 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Fire rune" then
        if     level >= 105 then ret = 4
        elseif level >= 70 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 35 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Body rune" then
        if     level >= 92 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 46 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Cosmic rune" and level >= 118 then ret = 2
    elseif item == "Chaos rune"  and level >= 74 then ret = 2
    elseif item == "Astral rune" and level >= 82 then ret = 2
    elseif item == "Nature rune" and level >= 91 then ret = 2
    elseif item == "Law rune"    and level >= 110 then ret = 2
    elseif item == "Death rune"  and level >= 131 then ret = 2

    elseif item == "Armadyl rune" then
        if     level >= 99 then ret = 10
        elseif level >= 88 then ret = 9
        elseif level >= 77 then ret = 8
        elseif level >= 72 then ret = 7 end

    elseif item == "Blood rune" and level >= 154 then ret = 2

    elseif item == "Cursed wisp" then
        if     level >= 95 then ret = 12
        elseif level >= 90 then ret = 11
        elseif level >= 85 then ret = 10
        elseif level >= 80 then ret = 9
        elseif level >= 70 then ret = 8
        elseif level >= 60 then ret = 7
        elseif level >= 50 then ret = 6
        elseif level >= 40 then ret = 5
        elseif level >= 30 then ret = 4
        elseif level >= 20 then ret = 3
        elseif level >= 10 then ret = 2 end

    elseif item == "Cursed memory" then
        if     level >= 95 then ret = 64
        elseif level >= 90 then ret = 53
        elseif level >= 85 then ret = 46
        elseif level >= 80 then ret = 41
        elseif level >= 70 then ret = 36
        elseif level >= 60 then ret = 29
        elseif level >= 50 then ret = 22
        elseif level >= 40 then ret = 13
        elseif level >= 30 then ret = 8
        elseif level >= 20 then ret = 6
        elseif level >= 10 then ret = 5
        else ret = 4 end


    return ret
end -- levelMultiplier

--[[ findEltData function
--   input:
--          EltTitle    :: A list of elts returned from /elts
--          EltValues   :: An object of calculated and formatted values
--          elts        :: A reference to the elts table for modification
--   output:
--          No values returned; this function directly updates the elts object
--           with the appropriate data.
function findEltData(EltTitle, EltValues, elts)

    if EltTitle == "" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.icon)
    elseif EltTitle == "Name" then
    elseif EltTitle == "Level" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.level)
    elseif EltTitle == "XP" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.actionExp)
    elseif EltTitle == "# needed" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.actionsRequired)
    elseif EltTitle == "Materials" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.materials)
    elseif EltTitle == "Unit cost" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.rawCost)
    elseif EltTitle == "Cost" or
           EltTitle == "Profit" or
           EltTitle == "Profit/Loss" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.netIncome)
    elseif EltTitle == "Raw cost" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.grossCost)
    elseif EltTitle == "Product cost" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.grossIncome)
    elseif EltTitle == "XP cost" or
           EltTitle == "Income/XP" then
        table.insert(elts, EltValues.avgCost)

end -- findEltData

-- From
-- ##Antiquated; needs to be replaced throughout with mw.text.split
function explode(d,p)
   local t, ll
   if(#p == 1) then
      return {p}
   while true do
      l = string.find(p, d, ll, true) -- find the next d in the string
      if l ~= nil then -- if "not not" found then..
         table.insert(t, string.sub(p,ll,l-1)) -- Save it in our array.
         ll = l + 1 -- save just after where we found it for searching next time.
         table.insert(t, string.sub(p,ll)) -- Save what's left in our array.
         break -- Break at end, as it should be, according to the lua manual.
   return t
end -- explode

--[[ inlineProfit function
--      input:
--              income  :: value of object
--              needed  :: number of actions required to meet goal
--              item    :: two-part item; (icon,link)
--              curr    :: currency being used
--      output:
--              Builds a string of pLinks with their corresponding total-costs
--               meant for an in-line view.
function inlineProfit(income, needed, item, curr)
    local sentence = ""
    local value = ""
    local parts = explode(",", item)
    local image = item
    local link = item

    if income ~= 0 then
        if curr == "Chimes" then
            value = value .. " : " .. currency(income * needed, "chimes")
            value = value .. " : " .. coins(income * needed, 1)

    if table.getn(parts) > 1 then
        image = parts[1]
        link = parts[2] end

        sentence = sentence .. " " .. peLink(image,link,link) .. value

    return sentence
end -- inlineProfit

--[[ findItem function
--      input:
--              list    :: a table of values
--              item    :: key being searched for
--      output:
--              Returns a boolean for presence within table
function findItem (list, item)
    local status = false
    for _,v in pairs(list) do
        if v == item then
            status = true
    return status
end -- findItem

return eltData